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Cynthia Guffey pattern markings

Brine | Posted in General Sewing Info on

I am tracing one of Cynthia Guffey’s patterns (5033, an unlined jacket) and cannot figure out why the cutting lines consist of solid lines, short dashed lines and longer dashed lines. Do these different line types mean anything? Could someone who has used her patterns please help me with this? Thanks.


  1. starzoe | | #1

    I had a look at these patterns and they seem to be multiple sized, so your three different markings would be for the three different sizes. At least, without being familiar with these patterns, this is what it would appear to be to me.

    1. Brine | | #2

      Thank you, Starzoe, but I'm afraid I didn't explain the problem very well. The three different types of lines all appear on the same size; i.e. on the side front one cutting line changes from a short dashed line to a longer dash line to a continuous line

      1. starzoe | | #3

        Well, I don't know what it is then - does the pattern instruction sheet tell you anything more about these strange markings. It seems that some "designers" want to re-invent the wheel when making patterns just to be unique - that goes for knitters too!

        1. Brine | | #4

          Unfortunately the "pattern instruction sheet" is minimal and doesn't mention what the markings mean. Thanks again though for trying to help.

  2. cafms | | #5

    Have you checked her website or sent her an e-mail asking her about the lines?  In the classes I've taken from her she has always said to contact her if you had questions.  Her website is http://www.cynthiaguffey.com/index.htm  This is her e-mail [email protected]    Also, looking at that pattern on her site could it possibly be placement lines for the front band? 

    1. Brine | | #6

      Thank you for the e-mail address and web site. I will try to contact her.

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