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Conversational Threads

Designer I

gmj | Posted in Machine Embroidery on

Where are the sister girls with a Designer I?


  1. deb_lilley | | #1

    I just put one of layaway. Won't get it till next yeear. Like you, am having trouble finding others talking about their machine. Perhaps they're too busy sewing/playing with their machine?????

    1. Diana_Crawford | | #2

      *I just purchased a Husqvarna Designer I. I have sewn for 40 years and agnoized over this purchase since October. I finally just did IT. I have had it for two weeks now and have become totally obsessed with it. I now want more designs - more accessories - MORE, MORE, MORE. It is a PRICEY machine but I am at the age now that I know I will only live once and I do so love creating things.

      1. jean_brattan | | #3

        *I have the Designer 1 which I bought last July, a wonderful machine, I live in Hull,East Yorkshire,which is not a very large town and have great difficulty getting tuition without going hundreds of miles. I am leaning all of the time. I did go to a class but they only went over the basics which I had already got through but someone commented that my machine was noisy, do other people find their machines noisy, I had not noticed previously. As for performance a fantastic machine, love it, I read everything I could about embroidery machines for nearly a year before I decided on this one. No regrets - terrific

        1. Debbe_Krape | | #4

          *I have a question about using other companies' designs with a Designer#1: How can you get these designs onto disks for the D#1 machine? I gather other companies' designs are on cards. From what I see, designs from one co.'s cards can be transferred to another co.'s with a special box, but this box will not transfer them to a floppy, which is what the D#1 uses. I have been very, very happy with my machine (and especially the support from the local dealer), but I do like some of the Bernina designs more.Thanks in advance for any info anyone can provide.Debbe Krape ([email protected])

          1. ZZLEE | | #5

            If you have the right software, you can use almost any of the other formats. The trouble are the designs that only come on embroidery cards. You have to find a way to pull those designs off the cards and onto a computer where you can use your software to import the other format and export it back out as HUS or VIP so that your Disk Manager (comes with Customizing Plus) can write it as .SHV for your machine. As far as I know, only the Amazing Box and similar products can do that. (But a dealer who has all those products might be helpful. *grin*)

            Don't know if that helps, but hope so!

            For those of you looking for the D1 users, try the D1 Yahoo group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Designer1/ -- but only if you want to read LOTS and LOTS of posts! :)


        2. snivsl | | #7

          I've been looking into the D1 as well as other TOL sewing machines.  I noted that the Brother ULT-2001/2002D does better buttonholes than the D1.  This concerns me. Until now I thought I would end up getting the D1 but the buttonholes were bothering me.  It made me concerned about the electronics or stitch quality.  I was wondering did you look at the TOL Brother and what made you decide on the D1.

          1. xine48 | | #8

            I buy vikings, I never even considered another machine.  This one is #4 for me.  What is wrong with the button holes?  They have always turned out beautiful and with the sensor foot they always come out perfect.  I couldn't recommend it more highly.


    2. xine48 | | #6

      I have had a designer for almost 3 years, after a harrowing first 3 months, I love it.  Wouldn't trade it for anything.  The designer1 group at yahoo groups is very active and will talk about the designer with about 100 messages a day.give it a try


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