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Conversational Threads

Designer SE cuts my needle thread too short

nani | Posted in Machine Embroidery on

I’m not sure where to post this sewing machine problem. Although my machine does embroidery, I haven’t used that function in ages. The past few months my Husqvarna Viking Designer SE has been cutting the thread too short. Not the bobbin thread, like I have been reading some embroidery users are having, but the needle thread. Does anyone have a solution? I don’t want to take it in an pay $50 just for them to fix it. 


  1. CallieKatFashion | | #1

    Designer SE Jams

    I'm not sure if this is the best place for me address this issue since it looks like people post but there are a lot of "no replies" 

    I have a Designer SE that I purchase several years ago.  I was waiting to retire so I could learn to sew/embroidery.  However, I am having so much trouble with my machine jamming under the presser foot.  I have tried a super light wt fabic and changed my needle.  I have taken it apart, as far as I felt comfortable, and cleaned the visable areas with the brush to remove the lint in the bobbin areas but still it jams.  I have taken it in to be fixed but our Husqvarna Rep sends the machines out for repair.  If anyone has had a similar problem that has been resolved, PLEASE help me

    1. Pattiann42 | | #3

      Thread Jams

      Thread the machine with the presser foot up.  Check the manual to make sure you are setting the bobbin correctly into the bobbin case.

      Find another dealer who does his/her own repairs.  Check your warranty.  After 5 years you may not be voiding the warranty if you take the machine to someone other than a Husqvarna/Viking dealer.

    2. Pattiann42 | | #5

      Designer SE Jamming

      What does  jamming mean?  Is the fabric being pushed down into the opening in the needle/throat ?  Is the thread tangling into a bird's nest?

      If this machine a horizontal/drop in type bobbin, this area needs to be cleaned more often than the machine with a vertical bobbin.

      Refer to the manuals maintenance section for removing the needle plate and bobbin case for a through cleaning.  The tiniest snip of thread in  the wrong place can wreak havoc with a computerized sewing machine.

      I have read about the take up lever on some models being defective, allowing the thread to pop out.....something to lookout for.

      If you are not pleased with service, find the shop that is servicing your machine and ask if you can make an appointment so you can bring in the machine and wait as he/she tries the sewing process you are having a problem with.

      If l had a machine this contrary, I'd be trading it in for Babylock!

  2. Pattiann42 | | #2

    Thread Cutting Too Short

    Check your manual to see if you can disable the auto cutter. 

  3. Maggie_T | | #4

    Cutting needle thread too short

    I had this problem on my Janome 11000.  I had to take it to several mechanics to get the answer.  The first said that I should always good thread ( which I do), the 2nd said there was a sensor but didn't know where it was.  The 3rd one fixed it and now it is working perfectly.  It was worth the cost, but find one that is trained on your machine.

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