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Designers Curve

marlenec | Posted in Fitting on

Am looking for a good online source to purchase a designer’s curve. Any suggestions?



  1. starzoe | | #1

    Look for a french curve, as far as I know they are readily available. I think it is one of the least appreciated tools in all of sewing. It really is something every sewer should have.

    1. Deeom | | #2

      I find that interesting. How do you use a French curve?

      1. marlenec | | #3

        Hadn't thought about using my French curve. I was looking for the designer curve shown in the article about "On Fitting Sleeves" by Peggy Saers (Threads online, Fitting). She uses it to redraw the armhole. Thanks .. will give it a try.


      2. starzoe | | #4

        A french curve usually comes on a cardboard with quite a few instructions, but mine are decades old and maybe that is not the case now. I am sure Google or other search engines have articles on using a french curve, it has many uses from altering the curve of a hip, to widening armscye, in fact any spot where a curve is needed.

        1. Deeom | | #5

          Thank you starzoe, I will head to Google.

      3. jjgg | | #7

        There is no magic to using a french curve. all it is is a series of curves, use it the same as you would a straight edge to draw a nice line. But here you want a curved line, so line it up from point to point with a pleasing curve that fits the area you need and draw the line. Many times you will have to move and shift it along the way, if it were round, you would get a consistent curve the whole distance, but it is graduated in size. (I hope this makes sense). For instance, if you are changing a jewel neckline to a slightly lower neckline, just hold the french curve on the pattern in the place that you think the neck should go and draw your line against the plastic of the curve. If you know how low you want the neckline to be, and how wide (out to the shoulder) you want it, those are your two guide points, now, place the curve so the rounder portion of it sits at the lower neck line and the thinner straighter edge is up by the shoulder, move it around a little to get what looks like a nice neckline.

  2. ctirish | | #6

    There are several versions of french curves and designer curve tools available today. Do a search on sewing notions and you will get thousands of choices. I just tried it and there are a couple good ones missing from the list. Here is a short list of some good ones:

    http://www.sewtrue.com - they have a complete kit of rulers - in a case

    Nancy's Notions has a generic design styling ruler - it is the one I have had for years. Since then though they have come out with some different versions so if you can, I would take a little time to do some reading about altering patterns before you choose one. As I said I have the design styling ruler but I also have a hip ruler and a couple of other rulers that curve because I found the design styling ruler doesn't fit all situations.

    Good luck

    Edited 1/17/2008 11:01 pm ET by ctirish

    1. Deeom | | #8

      A great big thank you for sharing the website Sewing Divas. I went there to check on French Curve and spent LOTS of time looking around. I love it!!! Thank you very much.

      1. Dinna | | #9

        Peggy sagers of Silhouette patterns sells the French curve and also has a video to explain how to use it.  It is great!

      2. ctirish | | #10

        I am glad you liked it. Some times I get lost just wandering through all of the sites on the internet that have show up when you google sewing. Once in a while I find one that is worth bookmarking as a favorite.

  3. kuecker3 | | #11

    I went to a lutteroch demonstration not too long ago ande they had a frence tyrpe ruler that had an extra end.  I am thinking I will upgrade from my old french ruler.

    1. starzoe | | #12

      What was on the extra end of the french curve?

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