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designing fabric

choicejoyce | Posted in Fabric Guidance on

I’m interested in having my son (a graphic designer) design some fabric for me. But I have no idea what do to. Is that easy? What kind of images does he need to make? Any recommendations on companies to make the fabric? Any help would be appreciated.


  1. paulacaroline | | #1

    Hello! I'm a designer myself, so I think I can lend some insight. I haven't printed fabric myself, but I have a fellow designer friend who has used the website Spoonflower (spoonflower.com) with success. They'll offer guidelines about what file types they accept when it comes time to upload your son's design. Also, there are some great classes on designing repeat patterns on Skillshare (skillshare.com), in case he's looking for some guidance there. That site require a subscription, but I think they may offer a free trial period. Hope this helps!

  2. User avater
    PattysMO | | #2

    There are a lot of tutorials on YouTube. There is a pattern surface designer Rachel Hol on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/patternanddesigns/. Her webpage https://patternanddesign.com/. She is a great source for learning about surface designs how-to and more. As for sources for printing your designs onto fabric Spoonflower is a great source. Patience is key when you are ready to print. The wait time is a bit longer than usual under the current circumstances. I have also used Contrado https://www.contrado.com/ recently and they had a really quick turn around time. Be sure to order a sample kit of the fabrics they offer and when you are ready be sure to order a sample of your print before you buy your yardage. Best of luck with your design.

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