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Conversational Threads

Digital Threads for eReaders needed!

Aspydelia | Posted in Feedback on Threads on

Personally, I like the new Insider and the digital Threads issues. I would like to encourage Threads to do two things for the future:

1) Have the option to subscribe to Insider in lieu of buying the CD archive every year. This would solve a lot of problems such as not being able to read the archives at any device I own (a biggie for me since I don’t sew in the same room as my main “C” drive and the new tablets don’t even have CD players!)

2) Make the digital Threads readable on eReaders such as Nook and Fire. They are designed specifically for this kind of thing. I own a Fire and the eMags I subscribe to come nicely configured to be read either in a page view (the original format) or text view (for easy reading of articles.) The color is lovely and the idea of eliminating my stacks of dusty paper magazines is compelling.

The older I get the more I find clutter just makes me feel depressed and disoriented. Being able to organize and archive all my media in a “cloud” space seems like heaven.


  1. User avater
    VictoriaNorth | | #1

    We have downloadable issues of the magazine coming this year. This was just are first step. Thanks so much for your feedback and suggestions.

    Thank you,

    Victoria North

    Senior Web Producer


    1. misfited | | #2

      [email protected]

      How do I download issues? 

      1. Evamarie | | #3

        Threads Insiders can access our digital issues online.

        Insiders can also download the iPad/iPhone and Windows tablet editions free of charge. We will alert our readers when the magazine becomes available on Android devices.

  2. user-6234047 | | #4

    How do I read the digital Threads issue on my IPad? I'm an insider member and can read your magazine on my PC. I have the Treads app on my ipad, but it wants me to pay for the magazines...

    TIA Ursula

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