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Discharge dying and Chlor-stop?

Tess | Posted in General Discussion on

This is a dumb question, but what is CHLOR-STOP? Where can you buy it? Is there a brand name? Is there a substitute? I have used chlorine bleach to “discharge” dye from various fabrics, sometimes successfully and other times not. Once or twice destroying the fabric. Sometimes I used vinegar. Is there a product to stop the negative ph action of the bleach?



  1. stitchmd | | #1

    I can't find Chlor Stop, but did find Bleach Stop from Dharma Trading.

  2. SusanT1 | | #2

    Chlor-stop and Anti-chlor are products that neutralize the bleach when discharging.  DO NOT use bleach on silk, it will destroy it.  A safer product to use than straight or diluted bleach is dishwashing detergent with bleach in it.  It is thicker and can be painted on with a brush, stamped, silkscreened (depending on your screen) or stenciled.  Be sure to follow the directions when using a bleach neutralizer -- rinse your fabric in cold water first, then the neutralizer.  Use gloves.  And, by the way, vinegar DOES NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT neutralize bleach.


  3. SusanT1 | | #3

    Oops, sorry, Tess, I didn't answer all of your questions.  Anti-chlor or bleach neutralizer can be purchased from http://www.dharmatrading.com or http://www.prochemical.com.  There may be others that carry it, but those are two that I am aware of.  Please take care when using bleach or anti-chlor - work outside, avoid the fumes, wear gloves, protect your eyes from splashes.

    Careful about going to either of the websites above, if you are interested in discharging, it may not be long before you get interested in dyeing.  Once you get interested in dyeing, it's all over - you're hooked, and soon you are joining dyers email lists, buying prepared for dye fabric, dyes, getting colored fingers, taking dyeing workshops (http://www.carolsoderlund.com is a fantastic one!).  THEN you get to choose what fabric, what color, what design, you choose to sew.

    SusanT, a confirmed dyeing fanatic

    1. Tess | | #4

      Thanks for the info. Like I really need to start a new obsession. The little I have done with bleach was just for fun. The place I work gets a lot of velvet that was used at trade shows (tables, backdrops), and mostly it is black or blue. Fine colors, but I wanted to encourage our customers to buy it before we got overwhelmed, so I tried bleach and mostly it worked well. Some blacks bleach out with browns and others to more bluish colors. I used very diluted bleach, dipped it in vinegar (which was apparently useless) and immediately washed the fabric a couple of times.tess

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