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Do men sew?

BellaGabriella | Posted in General Discussion on

Regular men that work day jobs and coach baseball or are single? Do you know any men who sew? I sometimes see them in fabric stores and maybe one day will ask, but I wondered if anyone knew a man who constructed a quilt or fitted a shirt, and does it regularly.



  1. starzoe | | #1

    A while back there was a web article about guys to make kilts....carpenters (not comfy on a hot roof), plumbers (does away with the problem of sagging pants), musicians (wear underwear if you are on the stage and move about a lot) etc.In my local fabric store there are young male clerks occasionally, and the one who waited on me knew his stuff.

  2. User avater
    Becky-book | | #2

    I have a friend who sews, he asked me to teach his wife to sew, she was not really interested. I have kind of lost touch with them; don't know if he is still actively sewing.Becky

  3. Ralphetta | | #3

    The only men I know who sew much are ones who are in costuming, etc. I do know that there are a lot of boys enrolled in home-ec (or whatever it's called these days.) I thought it was a real step forward to see them get excited about making pillows, etc. Maybe sometime in the future some of them will have stayed interested and we will see more men sewing for fun.

    1. HelgaPataki | | #26

      whoops - sorry

  4. AmberE | | #4

    I think that there is a whole new generation of men (from our CraftStylish.com crowd) who are becoming interested in sewing. And then of course there are the professionals, like my professors and fellow students at FIT.

  5. Susan -homedecsewing | | #5

    Well Bella , I have met 10 or so men thru my years sewing. And when men sew they take it very seriously. Some sew upholstery and were taught in the old country. Others are tailors, and many sew boat covers and such. I had a man teach me to sew giant awnings, it was a great learning experience, thankfully leading me to a new career path of window treatment design, which is now my passion. I knew if I could figure how to make supermarket storefront awnings, I could do anything that came my way. It really freed me from my fears of the new and different.Now I love to brainstorm and problem solve.Also many gay men are fabulous in the sewing and design dept. Susan

  6. Betakin | | #6

    I think Rosey Greer the football player quilts.

  7. katina | | #7

    One of my fellow students at university sewed virtually all his own clothes, including his suits. It's some years since I've seen him, but he sewed for his wife (they are both lawyers) and kids, who probably now have kids of their own. His sewing studio is apparently fabulously set up. He learnt from his now deceased mother, who was trained in Milan, and who taught him a great deal when he was a child. In fact, he taught me how to handsew a hem invisibly.

  8. victoria0001 | | #8

    Men really do sew.  I had an uncle who made his wife's dresses.  She couldn't sew but could do electrical work - go figure.  They were wonderfully creative and fun people. 

    I also have a nephew, about 30 years, who sews whatever he wants or needs to sew.  Our niece does not sew.  He made a huge stuffed animal recently and it turned out beautifully!  He did need a wee bit of advice from me during this project which I was delighted to give.  He has made drapery and goodness knows what.

    Our sons and sons-in-law are better cooks than their wives ....guess I didn't push cooking skills on the girls as much as I did on the boys.  That's gotta tell you something!! 

    I also notice how involved both parents are with their children today and am in awe of the daddies who are so gentle with their babies.  I don't think any of these domestic activities should imply that it is a woman's work or a man's work.  Everyone should get on with whatever they are interested in and need to do.  I also love woodwork; messing around with concrete creations and many other activities and I'm over 60. 

    It's a great life if you let it happen!!



  9. Teaf5 | | #9

    All four of my brothers, a brother-in-law, two nephews, and many of my uncles sew.  They make everything from pajama pants and goofy camp shirts to bike panniers, tents, stunt kites, banners, bags, backpacks, and quilts--anything they want to customize or have better quality than available for purchase.

    I should add that most of the women in my family also know how to use power tools, build and assemble furniture, do household repairs, and maintain their cars.  Gender doesn't matter when it comes to getting things done right!

    1. victoria0001 | | #10

      Isn't it absolutely grand when gender is just a word and not what people expect?

      Isn't it wonderful when nothing else comes into the equation, including age, sex, colour or anything one can think of!!!!    Love it as that is freedom!

      Edited 5/5/2008 10:15 pm by victoria0001

      1. stitchagain | | #14

        Well said!!


        My brother sews. Helps his wife sometimes with her interior s buz after work. 

        When I worked at a fabric store in the late 80s there were guys that came in to buy wild lycra prints to make tights to rock climb in.  It seemed like a hard first project to start on but they did it.  There were also drag performers that came in to costume. 

        I have met upolsterers and boat covers makers and they go have a different perspective.  It is still called draping when its a chair or a boat you are covering?



        1. victoria0001 | | #16

          Yahoooooo.........glad you agree.  Perhaps there could be a new word for guys and gals actually sewing anything.  To me, and obviously for a lot of guys, it is a natural thing to do but I do wonder why we have to tag whatever kind of sewing/stitching is done by a woman or a man.  It does give me some thought in why can't men and women do the same things when in fact they are today!  Wonderful hearing these stories.


          1. stitchagain | | #19

            Reading your response made me start thinking like a sociologist (is that the correct profession?).  One part of me would like to drop all the labels because it seems like stereotyping to say only one sex sews, but another part of me really enjoys the history (different gender taking on different activities and roles).  And what about culture- I just read a book where it mentioned that in Tibet it is the man's job to sew and mend.

            I am sure there is a lot of room for growth, but the question is in what direction?

          2. User avater
            JunkQueen | | #20

            My DH is artistic and can carve a piece of wood making it look more like a duck or a fish than the real thing. I on the other hand do much of the repair work. Sometimes I may not have the hand and arm strength to actually DO the work, but I can direct him on how it should be done, like the last time the tub belt in the clothes dryer broke. We are retired now, so a couple years ago, he got back into motorcycle riding after many years of not riding. He could not find do-rags commercially that he liked, so he bought several colors of Lycra, and I showed him how to use the serger. He made all of his and his riding buddies' do-rags (those are the things they put on their heads to keep their hair from blowing if they aren't wearing a helmet). I taught my 12-year-old grand son the rudiments of sewing last summer when he stayed with us for two weeks. Obviously I'm not in to gender-labeling.

          3. victoria0001 | | #21

            Your response was lovely.  I think growth can occur in every direction and in directions we have yet to consider.  Such a fun topic in this thread.  It has my brain just humming with thoughts and ideas.  Looking forward to more thoughts!!

    2. Josefly | | #11

      Yay for men who sew. This topic brings to mind a puzzled question my father once asked my mother in their early years together: "What's so hard about making men's pants? Don't you just sew three cylinders, one for the body and two for the legs, and put them together!" I do think we all have different ways of seeing things, (especially when we have no experience in an area) but don't believe it's a gender difference as much as individual, and of course, training alters a lot of our preconceptions. I enjoy doing all the things you listed that we typically rely on men for, except for maintaining my (our) cars. It embarrasses me that I have so little understanding of that task, and that I'm so reliant on someone else in that area. So I admire both the men and women in your family.

      1. Jumala | | #12

        Well, here is a man that sews making his own shirts/pants. Nothing wrong with sewing. Dont' have the room for woodworking (table saw, band saw, drill press, etc. take up room) so sewing is my hobby along with ham radio. Still have to make a spring jacket and some long johns.

        Dennis, KC9FMY

        1. dollmarm | | #13

          SO glad to hear from a man that sews - how do you find the time ???Most seamstress overseas are men and most even better than women :~0 My hubby sewed years ago when he had time and will mend things, but now his job keeps him so so busy there is no time.  He is one of those that anything he touches he can 'pretty-much' do better than I.    His mother has a pair of pants that he  starting patching when there was a hole and he ended up quilting almost the whole pants as they frayed bad.  He was the talk of his highschool   :~) 

          My hubby now has the woodworking room w/ all those tools.  He is remoldeling a townhouse to sell soon.  So glad he does I am terrible w/ that equipment. 

          Jumala - I think us ladies (& all)  would love to see photos of some of your work.   

          Enjoy,  :~) 

          1. Jumala | | #15

            Have a 9-5 job in an office. So do this stuff weekends and some evenings. Don't have a partner to quarrel with so do find the time after watching TV.

            In the movie, Fiddler On The Roof, there is a Tailor that does men's clothing. All the women, apparently, have to fend for themselves and know how to sew for themselves and the kids. That was life in the good old days? Mother did not do much sewing, only mending, and dad used an awl in fixing some leather stuff used in his job (logger).

            Get kind of bored doing the same old patterns (shirts, pants). Sometimes wish I was born a girl so to have more  variety in clothing. Not supposed to wear pink, skirts, dresses. That's OK.  Guess will have to make clothing for sick kids at hospitals or belong to a Linus group (not into quilting). Did find a dress pattern for the American Girl doll one could make for donating to some group during Xmas.

            Bought a new pair of pants from Land's End that needed shortening from a 34 to a 32 inseam. Wore it for a week and washed it. Wore it again and notice had a slit in the behind. Don't know if someone had knifed me from behind or what. No blood, just a slit. Oh, well. Just mend the slit and wear it at a Habitat for Humanity function.

            There are some pictures of my creations floating around in one of the threads at this site. Bye for now.


          2. dollmarm | | #22

            Hummmmm.........................  it is amazing how much you learn about a person w/ the title of sewing !  teheeheeheeheeeeee  :~)  I get bored with the same O same O  too !  I do alot more cross stitch and love the watch it go from a plan canvas to a mess of threads everywhere to this neat shady design.  I am part American Indian and I have many pieces made in great room.   It's neat to see the finish work and know you yourself made it. 

            U are right w/ Fiddler on the Roof - I had forgotten that.  I haven't seen that since my daughter was a baby. TOO it was men who use to wear all the jewels and etc... in Roman times.   IN India it is the man who is adorned on the back of a horse riding throughout the streets to meet up with his bride. I do not sew as much as I would like - I do more mending and will remake something if I find it in a bigger size.  This happens alot more than I wish.    ;~)  TO ALL :  Most tailors in 3rd world countries are males.  The women do the ironing and mending.  When we lived in India - we had a couple work for us - it is a a very dirty country that you have to have servant and they did all the cleaning and they man was also the driver.  Too it was only 100 a month to hire 5 people - great times then ! Both would take me to the fabric store and she would stay right w/ me as the tailor sized me, to make sure he would not take advantage of me and to make sure I was getting a fare deal.   OH the fabric there is unreal - I have several Sari's - my Christmas dress is the best ! Almost always the male tailor does the measurements and markings on the fabric draped on you - while his assistants (also males write everything down that he says and w/in a wk' you return for a fitting or the finished product.  Most of all the women were there to assist you in dress and undressing, mending, hemming.  But the men were the designer, cutting, and fittings.  There were very few women.  I had the grand opportunity to attend the Marine Ball and I went w/ several other women to a house where this lady had mostly men wk'ing for her.  She was the designer and they did all the finger work of beading and etc... most of them had  the machines on little tables and they sat on the floor with all these gowns. It was quite a site.  Sorrie there are no pictures - they would not allow camera.  Once she got to know you while sewing for you she would allow you to see them at work but no pictures were allowed.  She was a new up and coming designer so the prices were great !! Enjoy what you are doing,  :~) 


  10. Cityoflostsouls | | #17

    My husband made my first sons bassinet cover.  Just sat down and did it.  He spent a year when he was seven at home with his mom because of a severe illness.  Had he not died so young I know he would have taken up sewing in retirement.  He never had time for anything but work.  Years ago a young boy entered sewing in 4-H and made a fabulous suit for himself.  They wouldn't give him the award because he was the only boy-ridiculous and unfair.  For any of you who watched the design show on television-all of the contestants had to have a background in construction and design but the men who couldn't sew well did not fare well in the competition!  I love that show.  Can't wait for next year.

    1. AmberE | | #18

      love this conversation---fascinating!

  11. gowngirl | | #23

    I know many men who sew. One is in costumes professionally, but the others are regular guys (not gay). One is a math teacher (very technical) and architect/builder (his creative side) another is a photographer (also technical and creative). People who have equal parts technical AND creative brain make the best sewers. When I was in college there were two guys in my graduating class. One sewed the sleeves to his shirt on backwards. Next thing I knew, he dropped out of apparel and moved his major to interiors. The other made it through to the end. I was pleased he didn't quit. Wonder how he is doing now?

    1. User avater
      missdee | | #24

       I love the idea of men sewing.  My father taught me how to sew when i was quite young!  He loved fixing machines (sewing machines car engines old televisions!!!) consequently we had several sewing machines at various stages of repair to make dolls clothes with!! We in my family are two boys and two girls all can look after and run homes.

      I teach Design and Technology to 11yr-18yr.  The specialism i decided to teach was Resistant Materials (wood, metal and plastics work, electronics and Graphics!!!).  I also teach Textiles so the story of my father fixing car engines and teaching me to sew and knit comes in handy trying to persuade little boys that needlework is not just for girls!!!! And visa versa i become the example for girls to achieve in the resistant materials.

      Funny world,challenging for all genders.


      1. afens | | #25

        I have also found 3800 parts in the internet to buy them online. There is lot of engine parts and their description is available in the internet.

        3800 parts


  12. HelgaPataki | | #27

    whoops - sorry

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