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Conversational Threads

Do you like the Insider Threads?

mercystreet | Posted in Feedback on Threads on

I find the ad annoying and almost everything on the “how to” section is only available to “insiders”. This is counterintuitive to an e-commerce, forward-thinking model. I can understand certain things that are more “indepth” or perhaps like what “Craftsy” and those kinds of pay-for lesson type sites offer. I get that. C’mon, Threads! This is really lame.




  1. jillhad | | #1

    I agree - I'm finding that I use this site less and less

  2. Pattiann42 | | #2

    Insider Free Trial

    I never signed up.  If it is a free trial, they do not need my credit card information.

  3. sewinintexas | | #3

    Insider Threads Needs Better Indexing

    I just tried the trial membership.  The videos, other than the copies of Threads DVD's, are not indexed at all.  There used to be listed several categories, such as "fitting," "construction," and so on.  Those categories all have disappeared, and the user has to scroll down about 80 videos to find what you want.  Please, editors, make the new paid version of the online Threads at least as user-friendly as the old, free online Threads.

  4. Pippa | | #4

    Reply to Comment Do You like the Insider Threads

    Have just enrolled and am disappointed to see that I own most of the videos that are now available ex gratia! The free down load of Sandra Betzina's Fabric Savvy was a welcome surprise. My first impressions are slightly mixed. I have been a subscriber to Threads since the 1970's and have always enjoyed the magazine.  Good luck with this venture which I hope will soon include some original features.

  5. sewinintexas | | #5

    No Index to Blog

    Just went to "Blog" in the new insider online.  It read, "1 - 10 of 820 posts."  NO INDEX.  I have to scroll through 820 posts to find one that I want?  And, I am supposed to pay for this?

  6. lou19 | | #6

    i wanted to read an article but was dismayed it was only available to "insiders"............errrrrrrrrrr............I'm a subscriber and have been for many years...........doesn't this count?

  7. marymary | | #7

    I don't usually write negative comments.  I like the rule, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".  I will make an exception.  "Insider" will not promote more people joining the sewing community.  It will have the opposite effect and drive people away.  Is "Insider"  providing the same content we have all been getting for free as a sharing community?  From what I can tell, there is nothing being offered I wish to pay for.

    I am a long time subscriber to "Threads".  I own every issue.  I remember finding the first issue on the newsstand and thinking, "Someone wrote this just for me!".  That enthusiasm is gone. 

    I am sorry they are locking information behind dollars.

  8. User avater
    mercystreet | | #8

    I agree with the very last post i saw here, that the so-called "Insider" subscription will keep people away from the site. I think Tauton Press could stand to learn from other companies like Netflix who raised their subscription price and faced the ire of their loyal public. People don't mind paying for something valuable; but you don't offer things for free then take it back. Bad biz.

  9. clareinstitches | | #9

    Do I like Insider Threads? Not at all!

    I have to agree with all previous comments. I am totally unimpressed by these supposed 'Extras'.

    I shall cancel once the trial period come to an end.

  10. user-316161 | | #10

    I was excited to hear the announcement of having Threads magazine online.  I don't have a permanent address anymore and am currently living in Africa so I had to let my Threads magazine subscription lapse.  I was hoping that with Insider Threads I would be able to be enjoy Threads magazine again!  I am disappointed with what is online.  The pages are small and with a slow bandwidth it is almost impossible to enjoy the magazine.  Can the magazine be downloadable like other digital magazines and made full screen?  I enjoy several other magazines by downloading them overnight while the shared internet connection is not overloaded, and then am able to read them later. I haven't had time to explore the other features of Insider but will likely cancel my subscription.


  11. User avater
    VictoriaNorth | | #11

    Hello All, 

    I just want to address a few of your concerns about the Threads Insider online membership. The benefits included in this program will continue to grow, but we had to start somewhere. Threads Insider was created to give sewing enthusiasts even more sewing content, access to experts, and discounts. We will continue to provide free videos, daily posts from our editors, and weekly techniques from our contributing editors like Susan Khalje and Kenneth D. King. If you visit Blog in the header you will have the same experience as our old homepage. It is a running list of free content, which will continue to be updated each weekday. If you are interested in what the Threads Insider membership has to offer you can continue to see a mix of content on the homepage. 


    We have added approximately 200 articles, projects, and pattern templates as downloads for launch. All content is still organized by topic (Fundamentals, Fitting, Embellishments, etc.). If you hover over How-to in the header you will see this navigation. We will be adding new downloads from the magazines weekly, but we are also planning to offer web-only content and online extras for those of you who already own every issue. 


    We have also added over 80 videos from our DVDs. These videos have been organized by series, but there are also single videos available in our blog. A list of video series is available in the header under Videos. We will be adding more video throughout the year including new Industry Insider Techniques from Louise Cutting, Teach Yourself to Sew Season 3, and more great Couture Techniques from Claire Shaeffer. These will also be available to purchase on DVD if you would prefer. 

    Digital Issues:

    We are happy to introduce a digital version of the magazine for the first time. This method is not perfect, but it is a start. You can also open this full screen on your computer for a larger view. We are working on producing a downloadable digital version of the magazine this year. The last six issues are currently available. When we post the latest issue, the oldest will fall away. 

    If you have other questions about navigation or Insider benefits, I'll be happy to answer them. If you would rather enjoy our free website, we will continue to produce the content you have always found here. The only difference is that we are now producing twice the amount of content as before.

    Thank you,

    Victoria North

    Senior Web Producer


    1. marymary | | #12

      Thank you, Vicky for your explanation.  I thought from the advertisement that "Insider" was going to be the same content we have always enjoyed for free, now with a charge.  When I was unable to look at some of the postings without being an Insider, that seemed to be the case.  Mixing the free content and the paid content on the same page makes me feel like an Outsider. I know I can join and the cost is minimal.  I am just not convinced, yet, that I would benefit.  Others may feel the same way.

    2. joanfitzu | | #13

      threads or insider?

      I received an e-mail from Threads today, it lets me read the article about the scarf, but when I go to the link for Louise's website I have to be an 'insider'.  I then came over here and read what you said, go to the blog for the same experience as the old homepage. I'm not sure what you mean by the same, there are a lot of  articles for 'insiders' only.  In my opinion, if you are going to send me an e-email from Threads then it should be Threads.

       I know you figure that people will just buy the 'insider'.  I wanted to let you know my first thought was, I'm going to cancel my Threads subscription and stop all of the e-mails.   I have been a Threads magazine subscriber for a long time.  I write that and know you really don't care but I have supported Threads for many years, even when the magazine didn't know what it wanted to be. 

      Make up your minds what you want, and do it.  If 'insider is going to be separate, then separate.   Please don't play games with your readers.   Let them read just so far...by-the-way... you have to be an 'insider' to read the rest. 

      I decided after an on-line live chat that I didn't think the 'insider' was for me. I have a subscription, why would I need a digital version? I have all of my past issues, (years).  Why would I need the achived articles?  I'm not in my 20's or 30's and sewing is not new to me. Sadlly, maybe I have outlived Threads! 

    3. joanfitzu | | #14

      threads or insider?

      I received an e-mail from Threads today, it lets me read the article about the scarf, but when I go to the link for Louise's website I have to be an 'insider'.  I then came over here and read what you said, go to the blog for the same experience as the old homepage. I'm not sure what you mean by the same, there are a lot of  articles for 'insiders' only.  In my opinion, if you are going to send me an e-email from Threads then it should be Threads.

       I know you figure that people will just buy the 'insider'.  I wanted to let you know my first thought was, I'm going to cancel my Threads subscription and stop all of the e-mails.   I have been a Threads magazine subscriber for a long time.  I write that and know you really don't care but I have supported Threads for many years, even when the magazine didn't know what it wanted to be. 

      Make up your minds what you want, and do it.  If 'insider is going to be separate, then separate.   Please don't play games with your readers.   Let them read just so far...by-the-way... you have to be an 'insider' to read the rest. 

      I decided after an on-line live chat that I didn't think the 'insider' was for me. I have a subscription, why would I need a digital version? I have all of my past issues, (years).  Why would I need the achived articles?  I'm not in my 20's or 30's and sewing is not new to me. Sadlly, maybe I have outlived Threads! 

    4. user-1109040 | | #17

      I do LOVE it. It's not perfect yet, but I'm sure it will improve with time.

    5. Buttonscreates | | #19

      The Insider

      I immediately signed up for "the insider".  I love all the information I can get.  I love threads magazine and yes I have all the DVD's.

      It is still nice to keep up online and have another option of reference.  I look forward to more being available.


    6. [email protected] | | #21

      Threads Insider

      It appears that the digital issues available cannot be accessed through the I reader library on the iPad, is that correct?

      The jury is still out on the interface.  I'm not sure I'm crazy about having two pages at a time displayed on the iPad screen.  It's not convenient to keep zooming in.  One page at a time would be wonderful. Have I missed a one page at a time option somewhere?

      If the plan is to move to a one page on the screen format that can be accessed through my iPad library (New Yorker Magazine does this beautifully), I would definitely keep the digital version of Threads.  If not, I will sadly go back to paper which I really don't want to do.

      Looking forward to learning whether the wish list here can be fulfilled.  


    7. Keiki | | #31

      Very happy with Threads AND Threads Insider

      Thank you for taking time to reply to all the constructive criticism being offered so generously, Vicky. I just wanted to say that I genuinely love Threads Magazine and Threads Insider and hope you all will continue to provide us with all the garment sewing content you can. Your magazine has remained true to the garment sewer when everyone else forgot we still exist. I started sewing in 1972 and have been a Threads fan since the beginning.

      Keep up the great work!

  12. Norca | | #15

    I think I am going to like the Insider Threads!  Granted, I have all the archived magazines and a lot of the DVD's, but not the Louise Cutting DVD's.  Just watched them and they are wonderful - Judy Neukam and Louise make a good team. 

    1. User avater
      user-1117948 | | #16

      Insider Threads

      I really like the new Insider.  I signed up yesterday for the free trial and plan to purchase it at the 14 days (or let them charge my credit card).  I was a Threads subscriber for years, but let it lapse in recent months.  I had become too busy to really enjoy it and was running out of space to store them.  This was the perfect solution for me.  I am gradually getting away from books and magazines, but enjoy reading them on my computer or Kindle.  I found the current issue very easy to navigate on my computer.

      I also appreciate the access to so many videos and past articles.  For some of us, this is preferable to the traditional subscription.  Thanks Threads!  I plan to enjoy you for many years to come, not in print, but in digital form.

  13. Teaf5 | | #18

    No, I don't like the insider!

    Back when the Gatherings Forum was changed radically, I guessed that Taunton would try to find a way to charge participants, and here it is.  I cannot believe that subscribers to the print magazine must pay to be an insider; other magazines don't do that, and why would subscribers want to pay twice when they can get nearly the same content elsewhere?

    I suppose that, eventually, only Insiders will be able to post on the forum; how sad to lose all the wonderful advice from all these helpful people that we've enjoyed over the years!

  14. user-1145604 | | #20

    Disappointed with Insider

    Just signed up for the trial of insider: really disappointed with the back copies of the magazine (the main thing I'd be after fron Insider). It looks like they are just a bad photocopy turned into a PDF file. Frankly I could have done that myself. I was expecting something as good as Vogue or The Economist but this is pretty poor. The text is fuzzy, the colour is off,the edges of the pictures aren't clean, then I turn my iPad into landscape, so I can better read the text, the picture corrects to portraitIve clearly been spoilt by the technical quality if other manazines & thought a publisher like Taunton would know their stuff & apply best practice.looking at some of the projects the text seems better but the pictures are overexposed. 

    Pans for some reason I can't sto it in with my other magazines but have to look at it on my browser. It's as if they've employed 5 year old technology.

    I think I'll be canceling this before the 14 day trial is up: I'm happy to spend money on the content but it has to be delivered in a clean, clear & accessible way. This isn't the feedback I'd wanted to be able to give.

  15. marg | | #22


    I also have been a long time subscriber to Threads. I think we should get a discount if we receive the print magazine.

  16. user-2055414 | | #23

    Not sure

    I am not sure yet.  It works fine on the computer but crashes every time I try to pull it up on my iPad.  Since I use my iPad in the costume shop I manage it makes it frustrating for me not to have mobility.  I also would like to see a download.  I love threads and I hope they are able to work out the kinks.

  17. user-900277 | | #24


    Just tried to reference a quick point on pressing curves and was denied.....not an insider yet!  I enjoyed the on-line perks of my threads subscription. When so many inspired sewists and designers are blogging and sharing their knowledge and tutorials for free it seems kinda cheesy that taunton has tried to find another revenue stream.  Using the free website has inspsired me to order books and dvds from taunton.  Shouldn't that loyalty count for something?

  18. jodiwell | | #25

    I'm a fan...

    I subscribed specifically for the DVDs. My budget doesn't allow me to purchase all of them, but the low Insiders subscription price gives me quick and easy access to this content.

    Jodi from WA State

  19. Homesew | | #26


    I think the insider hampers what is generally a good site.  I personally enjoy the magazine and this forum very much the teach yourself to sew area.  I am not sure who actually benefits from insider?

    Perhaps it was an idea that came as a result of a brain storming session.  It is good to know that the editors of threads are not complacent perhaps insider should be accessed separately rather that from this site?

  20. nani | | #27

    I agree with the annoying factor. And

    I agree with all of you. And the cost is still too high for magazine subscribers. I would go $5-$6 per year tacked on to my magazine subscription cost.

  21. centime_tara | | #28

    Insider Threads

    I love the articles, but am very disappointed when the new issue comes out, because I've already seen most of it. If the "Insiders" were paying for something more than a preview, I'd be happy about it, but this seems like a way to charge people twice for the same content. Threads, please fix this!

  22. Teifi | | #29

    It sounds like I am alone but.....

    I read through these replies with interest. Like many of those listed I am a long time subsciber to Threads. It is the only magazine I ever read (on anything!). I love the quality of the articles and the production values overall. I live in the UK, where craft magazines tend to be a lot poorer so perhaps I have a different frame of reference.

    I also haven't bought any of the 'how to' DVD's, although I have the 'Threads' magazine DVD.

    Against that background I have to say I love the 'Insider' service. I love being able to view the videos when I need a bit of a refresher as I sew. I also find it really handy to download the PDF's for ease of reference on particular projects, rather than hunt through for the article. I would pay the fee for this convenience alone. However I am also a fan of the 360 degree views, which is probably just novelty, or I am being a bit of a geek.....

    I understand that there is an extra charge but it does seem to me to be pretty modest (remember I live in 'rip-off' Britain!). The annual cost is less than I would end up paying for 1 meter of good quality fabric.


  23. stsimon | | #30

    Signing up for Insider Threads

    I'm always disturbed when I'm invited to sign up for a free X-number of days with NO indication of what the fee will be after that. You'll get my credit card number, I'll forget when the free days are up, and presto, I'm charged for an amount that I never knew about. I don't expect this from Threads.

    A related point is that some of us Threads suscribers are very experienced sewists. We may want to look up an article or video on a certain point, but it's unfair to make us pay for a service that is really appropriate for newer learners. Why not offer free access to a limited number of articles and videos? 

  24. User avater
    sheri_sews_n_sews | | #32

    I can't even reply with my true negative feelings - I am rejected as being spam . This is a valuable lesson as I am a published writer who an really use this type of computer idiocy to create a great story from! thank you theads!

    1. Pattiann42 | | #33

      I can't even reply with my


  25. user-3957048 | | #34

    Shockingly bad web design

    The content of Threads Insider is fine, but you'd get far more members and customer satisfaction if you addressed some of the user experience and usability issues.  I'm a professional software developer myself and our customers would not accept such poor design.  The first thing to get rid of are the annoying pop-ups.  Once an Insider has logged in, their aim is to view the content so that they can get on with their sewing. Anything that detracts from this or makes this more difficult is simply bad customer service.  While I realise that your aim is to sell the Insider more products, you need to do this unobtrusively and stop interrupting with ads and pop-ups all the time.  It's poor design, it's annoying and drives customers away.  It's fine to have something at the bottom of the screen such as 'You may also be interested in ...' but for goodness sake, get your web designers to learn some UX skills and stop doing all the pop-ups!  

    Navigation is also an issue - I want to cancel my insider membership (due to the annoying pop-ups), but is there an easy way to find how to do this?  No.  I found an FAQ that said to go to User Profile at the top.  There is no User Profile option, though there is User Account, but this is just for Name, Email etc - no account cancellation.  You should test this out - find someone who doesn't know the site and time how long it takes them to find the place to cancel their Insider membership.  

  26. MiriamMichelle | | #35

    I canceled mine

    I paid for access, still had constant ads, and the only thing that was of any value was Kenneth's posts. I cancelled. I'd rather save and wait for his next book.

  27. geeemom | | #36

    Even with Insider you do not have access to the videos

    There is a constant popup offer to sign up or log in even when you are logged in already.  The only videos accessible to the insider are the 50 second introductions.  The only extra thing that insider membership actually delivers besides newsletters with articles that are already in the paper issues is increased advertising.

    1. Evamarie | | #37

      Insider Membership

      Hi GeeMom!

      As an Insider, you should have access to all videos and video series found here: https://www.threadsmagazine.com/videos

      If you are unable to watch these, please contact our customer support department at 800-477-8727

      From 9 A.M. to 5 P.M., Monday-Friday, Eastern Standard Time. Hopefully we can get this issue resolved for you.

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