Do you use a sewing planner?

Do you use a sewing planner?
Do you use a sewing planner?
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I'm not familiar with a sewing planner. But I'm .curious now.
It's funny, I have used a knitting planner, and a knitting notebook. Also, I know some sewers whose work I really admire keep notebooks. I wouldn't call it a planner yet, but I have started keeping a notebook for sewing projects. I'll note the pattern, fabric, and then keep track of particular details, like needle and thread choice, as well as stitch length and needle position - for topstitching, for example. The notebook is super helpful if I have to take a break in a project, or if I am writing up a review for a contest. It helps me remember exactly what I did and why.
Not exactly.
I do try to sew with a plan [SWAP]. That means that I look at what I need to add/replace in my wardrobe, what garments are orphans, patterns that I'd like to try, fabrics in my stash, etc. Then I formulate of plan of the garments I plan to make for the next season or for something special such as an event or a trip. So, a plan might be 2 pairs of trousers to go with an orphan jacket and a couple of new tops/blouses that coordinate.
I do keep sewing journals/notebooks which record my plans, my progress, fitting issues and how I solved them, design options I considered (and rejected) and implemented. I also include notes from sewing videos I've watched and sometimes copies of articles/blog posts that are relevant.
I bought a fancy one and never used it. I'm more likely to write in a plain notebook, but I am making the effort to take notes when I sew things now.
No I don't use a planner. I write notes that I keep with the pattern with a fabric swatch. When I make the pattern again, it reminds me of why I made the changes the previous time. This is especially important for patterns I make for my mother who needs several adjustments.
I used a blank journal and simply write notes for each pattern and each version noting size used, fabric and results along with any suggested changes for next time. I started doing that about 30 years ago and then stopped for a while before starting again.