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doll pattern fitting

Becci_ | Posted in Fitting on

I have found lots of neat doll patterns, but none of them fit the size of dolls I am making. I’m wondering if I can use a copy mechine to enlarge or reduce any pattern? Will everything come together the same as the original?


  1. Bill_Stewart | | #1

    Yes, the scaling will remain the same, but it will be trial and error to find the right one to use. The only thing you need to do is try several front and backs in the various reduce and enlarge steps on the copier and note which setting you used on each. Cut out the copy and tape together and trial fit the paper on the doll. When you go to do this, let the copy store people do it for you, so if there is wastage on the paper you will only be charged for the good copies. I learned this the hard way. Experiment and have fun. When you find the right size, then copy the entire pattern in that size. You can get a guesstimate by comparing the original pattern measurement to the doll in that area - ie. pattern 6" front chest and doll 4" is a 1/3 reduction. good luck

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