Hello Ladies:
Once upon a time I was 23 years old with a 23 inch waistline.
“That ship has sailed!”
So every magazine I pick up tells me to lose weight, buy clothes to look slimmer, exercise more, act younger, appear more beautiful, drive my husband wild with desire, and alter my sewing patterns. Oh, and here is a brand new recipe for Chocolate, marshmallow, caramel, whipped cream, cheese cake………………………..
Even here at Threads we obsess over fitting our individual bodies into standardized patterns. We lament that we don’t look like the picture on the pattern envelope. We wonder what is WRONG with our figures?????
Nothing is wrong with our figures!
Much is wrong with our perception of what a real live woman must look like!
I am a bigger woman (in every sense of the word) than I was at 23. I’ve birthed babies, and buried parents. I’ve done with out and had more than I need. I’ve cooked for 40, and eaten a meatloaf sandwich, over the sink, home all alone. I’ve worked to a point, well past exhaustion, and I’ve languished in bed, well past noon! I’m stronger and braver, more understanding, wiser, and kinder than that silly little 23 year old with her perfect waistline.
I’ll bet you are too!
Well-said, Gail. Thank you for that supportive, inspirational pep-talk.
Wow! Gail, you said a mouthful! I can surely relate............ I think this is so true of most of us who have experienced life.....all the good along with the bad. Our bodies just can't be at 60 what they were at 20. It is just physiologically impossible. We expose our bodies to all sorts of trauma.......both physical and emotional. How could we remain unchanged???
I love the magazine description........!! Yes, all the articles telling us how to regain our youth, figure and allure with recipes for decadent desserts on the next page...........how silly!
I think we need to all ban together and appreciate 'us' for who we are and what we've become over the years. It's one thing to do healthful things because that is important but no matter........we will never look like we did at twenty-something. Who knows, maybe we don't even WANT to! There is something very beautiful about a woman 'of a certain age' that is well groomed, sensibly dressed and self-confident..........don't you agree??
Hi Gail,
I turned 50 in June, and your thoughts echo what I've been feeling lately. I am glad I'm not the same person that I was at 21, 30, or even 45. I'm older, but also wiser. I'm more comfortable with myself than I've ever been, even with a little extra weight on my hips and a lot of gray hairs on my head. I've never had the perfect fashion model figure, but I am quite blessed with good health, a loving family, and a job that provides for all my needs (and a good many of my wants). And that is what really matters.
Right on, Gail! It's amazing how much easier life is at 60 than at 20 or 30. I'm proud of the things I've accomplished and kinder to myself about the things I've let slip. It was a kick to realize I could afford to have my face lasered and kind of nice to watch the wrinkles slip away. I had a great time laughing with the nurse who did the procedure and going to Pilates has made me stronger than I've ever been in my life. There's also a sense of paving the way for my daughters-in-law to aspire to things I never imagined at their age. Now that I'm ready to retire, nothing is so dire, and "I could care less," is an open-sesame to a whole new range of opportunities.
Beautifully written, Gail Ann. solo
Bravo, Gail. I can relate to most every sentiment you have stated. I thank God for the wisdom and also know I have much more to learn. To think about the foolish things I did at that age, no thanks. Don't want to be that again.
I too agree, I was just telling another sewer that I just got through watching the movie The Devil Wears Prada and the young assistant was considered fat a size 6 hee,hee my mother was a model in the 50's and runway models wore size 8, photographers model a 6 boy have times changed now it's a zero or a size 2, zero they now want us to disapear!!!! I keep my weight down because I am arthritic but I turned 49 on the 7th and have been feel weather fronts lately and grey hair is starting to multiply (lil buggers) and I am proud of every grey hair shows that I lived my life and enjoyed every minute of it. Great post Gail. Cyndy
Almost time to leave work, been a slow day. Just read your post and hip, hip hurray. Like I said before, I'm bigger but still a Diva. I love me, and outside of trying to stay healthy I've given up trying to be much smaller.
I've been battling my weight ALL of my life, since a pre-teen. I was never a size 8, at size 10 you could see my hip bones protruding from underneath my clothes in my 20's. I'm 5'4" and never been petite. So, now I'm just me and that suits me just fine.
But when I step out in my creations, I turn heads and get smiles (male and female) and no matter what size you are, if you dress that body well, you will feel good and look good. I always get compliments.
"That ship has sailed." LOVE THAT!! :) I'm starting to feel like I belong here - Threads Gatherings Discussions. I think I have found some new, and most desired friends. Thanks everyone!
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