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downloading tuts and tips

Sancin | Posted in General Discussion on

I am putting this message on several discussion lists so you may see it there if you visit the same ones I do. Does anyone know how to download the video clips found on various sites like Yahoo, facebook, etc? I want to keep a file on sewing tips and techniques and tuts, but don’t want to sign in and watch all the adverts all the time. 😕 And I want to take a CD to my sewing room where there is no internet connection.
Thanks in advance.


  1. sewslow67 | | #1

    What on earth is a "tut"?

    1. Sancin | | #2


      1. sewslow67 | | #3

        Ah Ha!  I should have been able to figure that out, but it just never occurred to me.  Thanks so much for the translation.  There are so many of these "short-cuts" that I don't know yet.  But, thanks to folks like you, I'm learning.  Thanks so much for taking the time to respond.  I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

        1. gailete | | #7

          I thought 'tuts' was the stuff not to do so that no one would go 'tut-tut, bad'.


          1. sewslow67 | | #8

            LOL!  That is very funny.  Thanks for the giggle ...as I had forgotten about that.  My grandmother did a lot of that when we were kids.  ;-)

          2. sewluving | | #9

            Finally........I know why my niece is called 'tuts' by her university friends.  She just finished her 5th yr university and she would 'teach' or give 'tutorials' to her friends.......Wow.......and to think I would find this on a sewing forum..  Gives me my giggle for today too.

            Heather in Calgary

          3. Sancin | | #10

            As I was the one who started the Tut I should also mention that when I was a teenager, the events of the summer was to go to TUTS in Stanley Park - Theatre Under the Stars. Maybe some of you remember that - today's teens would probably find it so tame, but, when driving with one of my cousins we love to belt out some of the Broadway tunes we first heard there.

          4. sewslow67 | | #11

            >>>Inside Every Older Person Is A Younger Person Wondering What Happened.<<<

            Your Personal Quote is particular apropos right now, as I have a birthday coming up next week ...and I am in a daze ...truly "wondering what happened"!  giggle.  What a great quote, Sancin.  Thanks ...you've give me a good laugh, albeit ironic.

  2. Teaf5 | | #4

    Are you using a MAC or a PC computer?

    My MAC automatically stores downloaded videos in an Attachments file, but I use Favorites on my PC.

  3. User avater
    Sewista | | #5

    Why don't you just bookmark them into a special "Tute" folder and click them open when you want to see them? That's what I do.

    1. Sancin | | #6

      Thanks for the suggestions - I have found an answer. Can download with RealPlayer, and/or FireFox add on - both work. I want to put this info onto a CD or stick to use on a computer that will not be connected to the internet, thus will not be able to open on line when needed. Again, thanks.

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