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Conversational Threads

Drafting a cowl neck for knits?

nmog | Posted in General Sewing Info on

Hello all. I’m hoping for some help. I have minimal (read non-existent) drafting skills, and have been looking for a pattern for a t-shirt style knit top with a cowl neckline. I think that understand how to draft a cowl for wovens (move the waist and underarm dart tot he neckline, make a horizontal line connecting the shoulder seam and new neckline?), but this is for bias. I’ve also read about adding a triangular piece to a vneck but I’m not sure how this works or what to do with the back neckline. Of course, I’ve checked the pattern sites to find a simple solution but I’ve had not luck so far. I’ve got loads of nice knits just looking to be part of a cowl community. Any ideas would help. Thanks so much!



  1. katina | | #1
    1. nmog | | #3

      Those look great! I'll check into ordering them. Thank you so much!

      1. katina | | #5

        You're very welcome - glad to have helped.


  2. starzoe | | #2

    I googled for sewing drafting a cowl neckline and came up with lots of information, this was the first on the page:

    Google is wonderful!

    Edited 8/29/2008 1:17 pm ET by starzoe

    1. nmog | | #4

      Thank you! I googled as well and this looks like such a simple way to do it I found another one that was written by two other people who drafted things in different ways (too confusing for me!), so I think I can use this for a mock-up. Thanks again.

  3. Tatsy | | #6


    I practically wore out my cowl neck Stretch-and-Sew pattern. It's too simple for words to draft the knit cowl. All you do is measure the circumference of the neck, then cut a rectangle of fabric to that measure on the straight of grain and make it approximately four times the rise you want.  Be sure to add seam allowances.

    The wider the neckline, the more drape the cowl will have.  The softer the knit, the more drape. Adjust the length (rise) of the cowl for the drape you want.


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