I am making a prom dress that is a combination of three dresses my daughter loved. the skirt is draped somewhat like a swag from center front to center back. the other half is vertical pleats blending into the swag. does anyone have a suggestion on how to make the swag part. I would post a picture but I don’t know how. I’m using a wonderfuul red duponi silk, that forms pleats or gathers as i make them.
i need help with how to drape a dress.
There was a post with a pic of a red dress in another discussion...now I can't find it. Was that the dress? If it was, can you post it here so everyone will know which one it is...it helps us to know what we're trying to help with.
(I sent you a PM per how to post earlier)
That's going to be a real interesting project - fun for "all of us" to work on vicariously, too! So folks can find the dress, and follow the discussion in *that* thread, too, the picture is here:http://forums.taunton.com/tp-gatherings/messages?msg=9704.1 "prom dress draping photo" #9704.1Bright Blessings! Kharmin
Thanks, Kharmin, for putting those together. For some reason, the list of posts changes (really wierd) each time I go to read another one. Some that were there 1 minute are gone the next....I know I'm in full blown menopause...but I really don't think I'm going that crazy. (Dr. finally put me on hrt today...after having me on Effexor for 2 wks. and nearly driving me to a nervous breakdown this weekend...poor DH thought I'd really lost my mind...and I was beginning to wonder)
Hmmmm - I think that I've seen that happen sometimes, too, but have no idea why or when, either! You can probably find the items that you've already read (in this session anyway) by going to the upper left, and going into the drop-down menu for "Show discussions...", and choose either "Today" or "That I've recently seen". The default is "With unread messages", and your setup may hide the titles once you've Read the Unread messages. Hope that helps - hormones can cause enough problems without adding technology issues! K
thanks for fixing that for me I'm a newbie. I finished the dress and posted photos in the other thread.
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