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dress forms

Jacquegerard | Posted in Teach Yourself To Sew on

A friend and I made a dress form for me and it is about 3 sizes too big.  HELP  Can I fix it.  This form took 3 hours and was made according to directions.  Judith Neukam I know your can help me.  Jackie Hofflander. 


  1. GrammieSewer | | #1

    dress forms

    What did you make it out of?  Give some details about how it was made and what it was made out of and that might help.

    1. Jacquegerard | | #3

      dress form

      I used a t-shirt, plastic bag, and duct tape with packing (sticky) tape on top of the rest.  We cut it up the back when it was done.  I guess it wasn't pulled tight enough.  We did overlap it when we taped it back together after it was cut up the back.  It is still too big.  My friend wants to do hers and I'm afraid that it will be too big also.  We might try cutting it like a princess seam and see if that works.  I don't know what to do with it. 

  2. User avater
    stitchhappy | | #2

    Homemade dress form too big--now what?

    Dear Jacquegerard,

    I'm filling in a blank here: I am assuming you are talking about a duct tape dress form. I'm guessing the reason your form is too large is that it was wrapped loosely. Try cutting a vertical line through each bust point like a princess seam line--from the bottom up over the shoulders and back down. Then overlap the section until the measurements are the same as yours and tape them together. You may have to trim out the excess if it won't overlap smoothly. I've never had this problem, but I have heard that other's have changed the size this way.  Good luck!


  3. HelgaPataki | | #4

    wrapped too loosely and

    the other part of it being too big is you wore a T shirt and T shirts are baggy.  The instructions I came across asks you to wear tight like a bodysuit or leotards, well, something clingy.

  4. AeliciaJ56847 | | #5

    Not worthed

    I've done that, I really tried to make my own dress form. I ended up throwing everything in the trash and bought a new dress form with a fitting system that lets me adjust the size and shape of it at will. I would recommend to get an already made dress form.

    1. WorkWearexpert | | #6

      Made a dress for me

      Indeed, it was very hard to make a dress which ended up throwing it on trash because it was'nt fit and its hard to fixed it. Beter getting best fit dress rather than making your own. Its more easy.

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