hi my name is lulu im 19 years old ;
and i just started sewing , and im thinking about buying a dress form and i wanted to ask you gals your opnions on wihich of these are best !
SINGER DF150G Adjustable Dress Form, Gray, Medium
Female Jersey Dress Form with Base & Necktop.
I will be using i dress form for making clothes for me and and mom and my best friends we are all diffrent sizes ofcourse i that why im considering the singer adjustable dress form but also i wanted a cute one for my sewing room .
your opnion are much welecome
thank you so much for your help
xoxo lulu
purchasing strategies
I dont use a dress form in my history of sewing, but I am a very good buyer. I think it will be valuable for you to purchase a dress form that is most suitable and useful to your body measurements and then next would be to consider your moms because physically you are both related. the dress form hopefully should be of direct value to you and your own personal requirements first because like any good and valuable purchases,it should benefit you as the user first.
Purchasing a dress form
I tried to make a dress form out of duct tape and it was a disaster. Since I have gained 50 pounds since purchasing my first dress form in 1988, I have purchased a "Body Double" dress form and use it a lot. I took my measurements every 4 inches horizonatlly and when necessary I have put stuffing and duct tape over the form. This way I have a perfect fit. I pin hems on the form and also make design changes on the form. I love mine and strongly recommend using one.
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