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Dryer Sheet Stain Removal

thill | Posted in General Sewing Info on

Does anybody have a method of removing dryer sheet stains from fabric?  I was pre-washing and drying some beautiful purple polyester.  When I took it out of the dryer it was full of static so I threw it back in with a dryer sheet for a few minutes.  Much to my dismay it came out with what looks like dark grease stains all over it.  Help!!!


  1. suesew | | #1

    I've never heard of this happening. Could you just wash it again and see what happens? Or can you cut around the stains?

  2. carolfresia | | #2

    I guess I'd try rewashing it first. If that doesn't work, check into those home-drycleaning kits. They come with spot removers that might work well on a greasy stain.


    1. GinnaS | | #3

      I've used Shout on this type of stain and then rewashed the item with good results.



  3. SewTruTerry | | #4

    Try wetting the area with Goo Gone a product usually used for removing "gunk" like stickers and other gooey stuff from hard surfaces but the other day I was able to remove a butter stain that had set into fabric by saturating the stain with Goo Gone and then with laundry detergent and washing as usual.

  4. kayl | | #5

    There are usually notes on the box for removal of dryer sheet stains (happens most on polyester and other hydrophobic fabrics)... as I recall the cure is to rub the spot with bar soap (Ivory, Zest, whatever you use in the bath) and rewash.


    If there is no information, there probably is an 800 number to call...

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