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Conversational Threads

Dyeing wool jersey.

mem1 | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

Hello all I am looking for a very particular colour in wool jersey and have had no luck . I am now thinking about dyeing it myself . Has anyone tried this???Any advice ?? also has anyone had any experience in dying a strtech woven cotton twill or wollen twill Does the dye deal with the spandex?


  1. SewNancy | | #1

    How about cold dyes?  You won't have to use hot water that would felt the fabric.  Buy a yard of white jersey and experiment.


  2. ElonaM | | #2

    You might want to call Dharma Trading Company. They are like the dye specialists for home craftspeople. I have heard that they are happy to give advice to customers.


  3. SewNancy | | #3

    I was just at Dharma trading and thought of you, they list dyes suitable for wool.


    1. mem1 | | #4

      thankyou I will have to email them as

      I am in the land of OZ

  4. SewTruTerry | | #5

    Have you tried looking at Britex Fabrics in San Francisco for the wool jersey color that you are looking for?  I would think with all of the colors of wool that they have you would find the right color. They also have a swatch service.  Check out http://www.britexfabrics.com for the number to call.

    1. craymondb | | #6

      use ciba washfast acid dye.

      I have dyed many wools with great results

      The secret is very slow heating

      stir, stir, stir

      And very slow cooling

      This will prevent the wool from felting.


    2. mem1 | | #7

      thanks Terry, I havent done the dyeing yet but my other problem is that I am in Australia and Britex seem to not be very into internet trade . Any other sources ???

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