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Conversational Threads

e-bay store threads

suez | Posted in Machine Embroidery on

I am pretty new to machine embroidery and have a question. Has anyone out there ever purchased thread from any of the e-bay stores. They have huge packages of either 40wt. rayon or poly. threads. There prices sound great like 112 spools for $99 or whatever, but is the thread any good? Thanks-suez


  1. mztorestitches | | #1

    I have bought thread from  (as I call it) EvilBay.  I call it that because it can take up all your time if you allow it.

    The only thing you need to watch for on these bargain prices is the amount of thread on each spool.  I didn't notice or pay attention and got all of these little tiny spools.  It was good thread, just not what I expected in quantity.

    If you have thread on hand, look for the same amount of thread on what  you decide to buy on line.

    You should have no problems, but just remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it usualy is.


  2. mem | | #2

    I actually bought thread from ABC embroidery I was very happy and it is good thread It is rayon and came in a set of 50 reels for about 90 australian dollars. It arrived a bout 10 days after ordering and thing that I reaaly liked was that the colours were done in groups of the one colour ie 4 shades of pink etc. The reels are at least 1000meters and will last me years I think.

    1. suez | | #3

      Thanks so much for your reply. I have been watching several auctions and kept getting scared to bid, I will keep and eye out for ABC auctions. Suez


      1. mem | | #4

        Its not a auction sight its just a web sit and you can order from them directly . I have bought a few things from them and been very happy.

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