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Elna serger

Mia | Posted in General Discussion on

I am purchasing my very first serger and don’t know what could be a good one. I bought a Consew last week and found out that they used to make only industrial machines, so I guess it’s a good one. But I found out that Elna is even better. I found one Elna 744 on sale for $749.99, can anyone tell me if that’s a good price? I found on the internet the Consew that I bought last week for $200.00 less. I want a good machine, but want to pay what is right for it.

Thanks everyone,



  1. Kiley | | #1

    I cannot comment on the Consew but PatternReview might have a review on it and they usually give a price on the reviews. As for the Elna 744..that is a good price. I paid $800 for mine several years ago and I have not seen it ever priced less and usually priced much more..even doubled. I can say that the Elna is the easiest serger I have ever used with the automatic tensions and 5 tilt needles. At the time I was looking for machine with the triple coverhem. The Bernina 009 coverhem only machine was $800 and didn't offer the triple cover. Janome has since come out with 2 coverhem only machines and priced less. I paid the same for the 744  as I would have for the Bernina 009 but the 744 has a program of 16 stitches with narrow and wide double seam coverhem and triple cover and chain. I felt then it was worth the price and have never seen it priced lower.  Some 5 thread sergers also do not offer the triple cover and the 744 is only a 4 thread. I'm very happy with the 744. I hope you love the serger you decide on too.

    1. Mia | | #2

      Thank you so very much. I was at the store last night and they also have a Baby Lock Imagine for $1,600.00 and it's automatic threading and tension, which is really nice, but I found it with other dealers for $1,199.00. I am heading to the store today to buy the Elna. I really appreciate your input.


      1. Kiley | | #3

        That's great. I hope you love your new serger as much as I do mine. There is a video for the 744. If your serger does not come, your dealer should be able to get it for you. The manual is very good too, so between them both you should be all set.

      2. OhioSue | | #4

        I am a new member. Just looking for a serger; am intermediate sewer making some clothes to sell. Want to be able to do rolled hems. What I really need to do is to read up on sergers in general. Where can I find info like that?I was just in a store with a 3-day sale on Babylocks- the Imagine is priced at $1400, retail $1900. I'm in shock. Where to find reviews online comparing different machines? Also where do you find serger thread at reasonable prices?Thanks.

        1. fabricholic | | #5

          Hello OhioSue,

          I have a Huskylock 936.  You can go to Husqvarnaviking.com and look under their sergers.  I love mine.  I have bought thread from threadart.com.  There are lots of places to buy.  There is one called threadsandmore.com.  Hope you get the machine you like.


        2. thehat | | #6

          Hi the best you can do is go to your local machine and try them out and let them give  you their sales pitch  and then make your choice I got mine quit by accident my daughter went to the Minnesota  State fair and deceided to put the machine combo on layaway so to get a better price she put 3 combo on layaway  so  I got a pair and my mother inlaw has one and my daughter it was an elna deal . I really like mine  but to make better use of it  take a class or let some one show you the ins and outs  have a good time shopping

        3. ctirish | | #7

          did you see the note above - I  think it is mia who saw the Imagine for $1100.00+ which is a great price. I bought the Evolve when they first came out and I paid $3000.00 or more I can't quite remember.  I had purchased a Bernina serger three months prior to buying the evolve, I went to two rounds of classes for the Bernina and was still spending a lot of time trying to get the tension correct for the stitch I wanted.  I paid aroung $400.00 for it but I hated it.  I still have it and now I know enough about sergers after using my evolve for 5 years that I might be able to adjust the setting and actually get it to sew.  I will tell you my Baby Lock Evolve was worth every penny I paid for it.  I can make an knit outfit in an afternoon, and rolled hems for tablecloths are a breeze. I think I have done probably 30 tablecloths with my serger.

          I am interested in a blind hem machine, frorm what I understand the needle is curved and actually goes under the material


          Edited 10/20/2006 8:10 pm ET by ctirish

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