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Conversational Threads

Enjoy Extensive Button Source

sewslow67 | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

Someone (I think it might have been Threadkow) mentioned buttons a couple of weeks ago, but I don’t recall the context (maybe discussion the latest issue of Threads?!?).  Anyway, I got to thinking about my favorite button shop, so checked to see if they had a website, and yes …they do, and here is the link.  I used to shop here a lot when I lived in Portland, and they are amazing.  I hope you all enjoy checking them out.

Their name is:  The Button Emporium, and here is their website:




  1. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #1

    Been drooling...thanks for the link. Lots of pretties to see. Cathy

    1. sewslow67 | | #2

      I thought that you'd enjoy this link.  It is one of the shops that I used to "frequent" when I lived in Portland, and one I thought would be fun for us to see if we could ever get a trip planned to go there.  I haven't checked for any RV areas close in, but am quite sure there are a few possibilities, and can always check with friends who live in the country to see if they would consider allowing a couple of RV's for a few days too ...for a little "gratuity".  ;-)

      I was looking to how far your town is from the Portland, and it blew my mind to see how far you drove when you visited there.  Wow ...that a long distance.  Still, if we "let" ...giggle ...our husbands come along, they could spend the day(s) fishing while we shopped.  Just a thought ...

      1. User avater
        ThreadKoe | | #3

        Actually it was longer, tee hee, 'cause I went to the folk's place near Cranbrook first, then we drove south from there! Nothing like taking the long way 'round. The really neat part is that in the end, we got to follow the Columbia river from beginning to end! Yeah, I'm kinda into all this geography stuff. Cathy

        1. sewslow67 | | #4

          How many hours would you normally calculate to get from your place to Portland, OR?

          1. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #5

            Google Maps says aprox 32 hrs straight driving. Roughly 2900mi. I would say about 4 days is about right. Depends on which route you take, It took my parents a week to cross the country, because they stop early, start late. The girls and I started early, stopped lots, stopped late. Took us 5 1/2 Cross Canada days,to BC, but we had half day stops here and there. Friends have done it in 3, but I thought that was pointless. You do not see anything in between. Cathy

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