Hello Everyone,
I am new to the forum but I have soo many questions and I hope someone out there can alleviate some of the stress I have with these questions. Is anyone out there familiar with epaulettes? There regularily found on jackets mostly trenches. Does anyone know hot to make a flat pattern for it? Please email me @ [email protected] Also, does anyone know how to make a peplum flat pattern?
fashion student
What do you mean specifically when you refer to a 'flat pattern'?
I have some commercial patterns from the '60s which have epaulettes on jackets and dresses. These are sewn into the shoulder cap and folded back towards the neck and fastened with a button. True epaulettes are the shoulder adornments you see in military uniforms and on coats worn by hotel doormen and women.
I have a suit pattern which I used for my daughter in the mid '90s which has a peplum which is not tailored and dips down significantly in the back. I may have another pattern with a shorter, more tailored peplum. If you want me to, I will scan the pattern envelope and send you a copy so you can see if that is actually what you are needing.
Thanks frances! thats exactly what I meant, the epaulettes seen on mitlitary and trench jackets. When I said flat pattern I meant drafting it on blue dot paper. If you can scan it or let me know where you found it that would be great. You can emai me personally at [email protected]
an epaulette is basically just a rectangle shape with usually a pointed end, it can be rounded or squared if you want, it sews into the shoulder seam and is as long as you want it to be going towards the neck line seam (usually about 3/4 to one inch short of it.where it buttons to the shoulder.
This shouldn't be very difficult to just draft out on your own, the width of it will be whatever looks good on the outfit - shirts probably narrower than a jacket/coat, womens narrower than for a man
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