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autumn | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

My Singer, about 6 yrs. old, has stopped being able to wind the bobbin. It seems that the post that the bobbin sits on does not go close enough to the little “finger” thing that makes it turn. Any ideas about that?

Also, I’ve seen a book on how to repair your own sewing machine. Has anybody seen it, or bought it, and if so, is it worth the price? My husband is very handy and could probably do the work if I had the book.  Actually, I could probably do it, too, if I knew what to do.  


  1. User avater
    Becky-book | | #1

    I have taken several older machines apart and put them back together (lots of fun!) Wouldn't touch one of these new-fangled electronic ones though.

    If your Singer is a mechanical (not electronic) you should be able to remove a few screws on top of the machine and lift off the top. At this point you may be able to get a glimpse of the bobbin winding mechanism and locate the reason it is not engaging properly (like some thread or lint).

    On my 30 year old Singer (now my daughter's) the bobbin winder has a piece under the "lid" that must come in contact with the drive belt to make it go, the little finger on the outside is to make it stop when the bobbin is full.

    Willing to help all I can,



    1. autumn | | #2

      Thanks for the tip. I will try it. And of course I knew that the "finger" was to stop it when the bobbin was full, but I was not thinking. I have had trouble in the past with new bobbins not fitting down on the peg, even though I buy the correct style. I've thrown a few away because they would not fit. Some others I've just held my finger on the top to keep them from flying off, and it worked OK. What's with bobbins that don't have a hole big enougH in the middle? Has anybody else had that problem with buying new bobbins? 

      1. Josefly | | #3

        My 1965 Singer, which still performs wonderfully, uses an unusual plastic drop-in bobbin, and I often have trouble with the new ones. In fact, mine come two to a package, and about half of all the ones I buy are unusable! Seems Singer doesn't have the same quality control as in the old days.

        1. autumn | | #6

          I'm afraid to buy bobbins any more because I've had two packages that did not fit. What is their problem? You'd think Singer would not want people to be too unhappy with their product.

      2. User avater
        Becky-book | | #4

        Do you think you might attempt a fix for your bobbin winder?

        this is what the underside of the top of my old Singer looks like.


        Edited 1/4/2007 9:34 pm ET by Becky-book

        1. autumn | | #5

          Sure. I will try it. What do I have to lose? If it doesn't work I would have to take it to a repair man anyway, and I'm pretty handy. So is my husband. I just didn't know where to start, but now I have a good idea. Thanks.

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