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Ever sew Maternity clothes?

kbalinski | Posted in General Discussion on

Hello all,

Just looking for some advice on sewing maternity wear.  I have a niece expecting triplets in March after many, many attempts.  I’d like to make her a few pieces for work (she’s a elementary teacher), but am wondering if it’s a difficult task.  Seeing as how it’s not for me, and she lives a few states away, fitting is out of the question.  Do the patterns size the same way?  I can have her measure her top and hips, since the waist really won’t matter anyhow, right?

Ideas?  Advice?



  1. starzoe | | #1

    From what I remember maternity clothing is calculated on the woman's ordinary measurements. There is an abundance of maternity patterns in the pattern books, some of them quite flexible to grow during the pregnancy. I just hope she isn't planning to wear tight tshirts over the belly with the obvious hanging out over pants!

  2. fabricholic | | #2

    Hi Kbalinski,I made a top for my daughter that was maternity wear. The neck was too big and the top fell off of her shoulder. I forgot to check that, because we both have narrow shoulders. Good luck.Marcy

  3. suesew | | #3

    Yes, the patterns should size the same way. If she has fitting problems that you would normally adjust for (narow shoulders, long arms etc) you could make the same kind of alterations. But because most of these kinds of garments are a fairly loose fit, I would think fitting through the neck and shoulders would be the most important part. (And how long can she keep teaching carrying twins!?)

  4. rsolish | | #4

    Dear Kristine
    good luck to you and to her!!
    i just sewed for myself a maternity top from a pattern and wasn't sure about the size, i gain a lot of weight which i mostly manage to control after birth. i'm usually a size 12 / 40-42 but in this pattern i sewed i think a size 18, and it's really comfy, am planning to sew another from the same pattern
    so my advice is yes measure hips and top but also waist -around tummy-because some things may be tighter especially with triplets!!good luck
    Netanyap.s. fabric with some stretch in it is a good idea

  5. Teaf5 | | #5

    I sewed a few basic pieces for myself (also a teacher) while pregnant, but even as an experienced costumer, I had trouble with predicting my size after about the fifth month.  Maternity clothes for professionals are fairly cheap and easy to buy, but leisure clothes--night gowns, muu-muus, etc.--are more difficult to find.  Beautiful fabrics, lots of gathers, easy velcro or tie closures are wonderful touches a sewer can do that ready-to-wear never does.  It's also nice to get anything new when you've worn the same thing every day for two months.

    A pregnant woman would adore soft cotton and knit nightgowns and housedresses but may not be able to wear your creations to work.  Besides, with triplets, she's likely to need bed rest or a much longer disability leave from work.  You might also want to make her some shawls or ponchos, as her regular coats won't fit, and she won't want to buy new ones for a single season.  Have fun and let us know what you make!

    1. SewistKitty | | #6

      I made all of my work maternity clothes. I used knits for the tops and slacks. I also used my normal pattern size which worked fine. All that being said she may get larger more quickly because of the multiple births. There are many nicer maternity clothes available in stores than there used to be and also stylish patterns. Good luck to your family.

  6. cookymom | | #7


    If you're worried about tops fitting correctly, see if anyone sews for her and buy the maternity patterns in the same company. 

    I made a wool poncho, that I lined with heavy duty lining and windproof materials when I had an April baby many years ago.  Added a pocket inside for keys, etc.  It keeps you covered enough to run from the house to the car when it's chilly.  Perhaps she would like one of these?




  7. mygaley | | #8

    About custom-sewn maternity clothes: when my daughter first put hers on, she was shocked about how huge they were in the middle, even though the neck and shoulders fit well. Later on, she reported that she was the only one of her friends whose clothes did not become too tight. Also, a laugh. My husband and I had a child when I was 41. I had made some dresses and remarked to my then 18 yo DS that I had forgotten how easy it was to sew maternity clothing. He replied "No wonder, Mom, You just make a tent and cut a hole in the top!" God bless you as you sew for this mother. Galey

  8. elvenstephen | | #9

    Regarding ever sew maternity clothes

    During pregnancy clothing size from hip area should be loose so that she will not feel uncomfortableness. If you have still unable to understand, you can take the services of the tailor also who specifically deals in ladies cloth stiching. It will be more beneficial to you.

    Good luck

  9. jonessamuel | | #10

    Maternity clothes

    With the help of measuring her top and hips you can easily make her top of proper size. But the problem arises where lower is to be made. Her waist size should be known to you for proper size of her lower. Estimated size of the waist may leads to either loose make of the lower or somewhat tight. 

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