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Conversational Threads

exhibition in Tacoma.Wash

user-239343 | Posted in General Discussion on

Am thinking of attending the Sew Expo in Tacoma, Wash in March.  Is this exhibition considered one of the best inthe USA? Does anyone know if there are any free sewing demonstrations in addition to $100 all-day seminars?  Anything you can tell me about Sew Expo will be appreciated.  On a different subject,  I was wondering about the whereabouts of Roberta Carr, one of me favourite teachers (on video).  Many thanks to my fellow sewers.



  1. cafms | | #1

    There are free shows during the day as well as less expensive short classes.   Here is a website with all the details and a registration form.


    1. user-239343 | | #2

      dear cafms

       thanks for your reply. 

       if anyone else has anything to add, will be happy with the infirmation.

  2. User avater
    blondie2sew | | #3

    Hey I just thought I would reply since that expo is right in my backyard so to speak!! Actually I will correct you it is in Puyallup WA at the Western WA Fairgrounds and it is one of the Big Ones. I agree with the other post in saying check the schedule of events but there are always free short classes and Alot of Big Names come too!!I will be there.....don't know which day or days haven't figured that one yet!Where will you be coming from?Connie

    1. cynthia2 | | #4

      Hi Connie.  I'll be at Expo this year (Wed through Sat).  There are probably quite a few of us attending.  Perhaps we could all meet to say 'hi' in person.  Since some of us might have early classes (at 8:30) we could all meet somewhere at 8:00 and put faces to names. 


      1. User avater
        blondie2sew | | #5

        Hi Cynthia,That sounds wonderful!! Where are you going to be coming from?I am jealous do you have all your agenda in order?I always wait till the last minute. I have to see which days for me Girls are in School and I have to see who will be watching them.Let me know I am game How fun and exciting!! I am hoping more people will post to say they are willing too.Great IdeaConnie

        1. cynthia2 | | #6

          Hi Connie.  I'm coming from St. Louis.  My cousin and his wife, Barb, live in Federal Way and Barb is a fantastic seamstress.  I stay with them and Barb and I get to spend four days playing at the Expo and then talking sewing all evening.  It's great fun!  We already have our class tickets (we're each taking about ten classes - five of them together and five separately).  As the Expo gets closer and we see who is attending, maybe we can set a time to meet for coffee and/or just chat for a few minutes amid all the rush.


          1. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #7

            Sounds like a wonderful time!! You got me inspired to sit with my book and go through some of what I want to do this time! When it comes closer let me know. I think I plan on making plans for Thursday and Friday with Friday being most of what I want to take in with seminars.Thursday will be a free day for me. If all goes according to plan and all what I want to see is not filled up already.Have a great day

        2. cynthia2 | | #32

          Hi Connie.  Still planning to attend the Expo next week?  We had talked about setting a time/place for everyone from the board to meet and say 'hi'.  How about Thursday morning at 9:00 near the Information Desk just inside the main entrance (see map at http://www.sewexpo.com/expo/Map%20of%20Fairgrounds.pdf?


          1. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #33

            I am planning on attending on Thursday however I am working around my daughters school schedule that day...But on Friday is when I planned on care so I can have the whole day of seminars and such..So Friday at 9:00am I can do..Would that work for you..Connie

          2. cynthia2 | | #36

            Friday at 9:00 is great.  Looking forward to meeting you.

            Anyone else from the board that is going to Expo - please feel free to join us for a quick 'hello'.  It will be fun to put names with faces.


          3. loomchick | | #37

            I'm too excited since I know we're down to mere days!!!  I have been looking forward to this for so long . . . It's the first time I have ever pre-registered and I got everything I wanted (Note to self - Always register early!).  I'm even more thrilled with what I signed up for since I won't be able to attend next year.

            I will try to swing by at 9:00 am on Friday to say "Hello!".

            I'm signed up for Louise Cutting's pre-Expo workshop Cutting Loose . . . Sit and Set . .. all day.  Is there anyone else that's going to that?


            Edited 2/24/2007 2:48 pm ET by Loomchick

          4. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #38

            Great Robyn, Hope to see you face to faceNo I am just signed up for the little seminars on Friday maybe next year I will invest more time and money into the hands on ones..I am only attending on Thursday (like afternoonish) and Friday will be my all day there....Connie

          5. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #39

            Ok I am addressing this to ALL because I want hopefully others to make note if they want to especially those who are coming out of state!!Cynthia2 aka Cynthia
            Blondie2sew aka Connie/ Blondie
            loomchick aka RobynWill be meeting up on Friday at 9am at the info booth just inside the main gate of the fair grounds Cynthia2 has the link to the map on an above post!!So ladies we need to plan on how we will know it is each other...
            So what are your suggestions?I understand this maybe a short meeting up just because everyone has plans and possibly people they are hanging with..I totally understand that no worries if you just want so pop and say hi and we all see each others faces...I personally have my seminars scheduled through out the day and with some time in-between them to roam around have some lunch etc...so options are open with me. Plus my partner in crime this year is not attending so I am coming alone!! Ok so lets put a plan together..by the way Miss Loomchick....I am jumping in my skin too!! I can't wait just because I too have some classes that I was able to attend and the ones I wantedConnie aka Blondie

          6. cafms | | #40

            Thank you so much for the invite to the Thursday evening program.  We are going to try to make it.   I've printed off all your suggestions and we'll plan our activities on the plane tomorrow.  We leave at 9:30 am central time and can't wait to get going.

            I am doing the all day Scrappy Bear's Path on Wed. and hands-on #214 Quilted Table topper on Friday at 2:30.  Hope to meet some of you at the info booth or in some of the seminars.

            Carolyn from Mississippi 

          7. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #41

            Just sent you a personal email...enjoy your flightConnie

          8. loomchick | | #42

            My first seminar on Friday doesn't start until 12:30 pm . . . Since this will be my third day in a row at SewExpo, I will probably be wearing a baseball hat with my hair in a braid down my back . . . I'm pretty sure I won't feel like dealing with my hair that morning.

            If you want a peek at what I really look like, there's a picture of me on the homepage of my website located at  http://www.spadystudios.com


            Edited 2/26/2007 12:55 pm ET by Loomchick

  3. love2sew | | #8

    I have not missed the expo in the last 15 years!  It gets better every year.  Almost all the big names in sewing are there.  Even if you don't take classes (which are fun) the shopping is fantastic.  I save for months so I can spend while I'm there!  I look forward to that trip all year.

    1. User avater
      blondie2sew | | #9

      Where will you be coming in from? If you don't mind me asking!!I totally agree the shopping is fantastic......worse then a kid in a Candy store!! I like your idea saving for months...I haven't done that but I might just do that for next year!!Stay away from the fabric store will be my montraConnie

      1. loomchick | | #10

        I'll chime in here . . . I received my tickets a couple of weeks ago . . . and I'm getting more excited every day . . . I just wish I didn't have to wait another month.

        I will be at SewExpo on Wed for a pre-Expo day-long workshop . . . This is the first time they're doing this.  Has anyone else signed up for one of the pre-Expo workshops?  My seminars are on Thursday and Friday.

        I usually don't sign up this early, but I'm really glad I did . . . I got everything I wanted . . . and I recently found out I won't be able to attend next year.

        BTW, I'm coming from the Kitsap peninsula.

        1. cafms | | #12

          I got my tickets last week and am also doing a Pre-Expo workshop.  I have scheduled a couple seminars each day and hope I can remember all the info.    A friend and I are flying up on Monday and hope to do some sightseeing or shopping on Tuesday.  We are staying at a hotel in Auburn.  Any suggestions?  We are coming from Mississippi.

          1. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #14

            Welcome!! Mississippi Wow!!I would love to share with some things to see!! So just let me know if you want to see like our Mountains if you want to travel that far or do you want some fun shopping to do.We have it allAuburn you have Federal Way just up the hill. And that has lots of shopping just like your normal City.You also have Southcenter Near by which is great shopping too. Of course if you haven't done Puyallup we have some wonderful Antique shops in Town!! Tacoma has some wonderful Antique shops too!! I just don't know what you like of course besides Sewing.Let me know! Seattle is always fun to take in if you haven't been before. Connie

          2. cafms | | #15

            Thanks so much for your replyand suggestions.  I haven't had a chance to talk to my friend since we signed up.  She is the one who will be renting the car and doing the driving so I don't know just how much we can do.  We'll be doing more planning as the time gets closer, I'm sure. 

             I have not been to this Expo but have been to a similar sewing show in Texas several years ago.  I am really looking forward to everything.  I've only been to the airport in Seattle going to and from Alaska and driven into Spokane once many years ago so it will be a new experience visiting Washington.  

          3. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #16

            Perfect. Just let me know if you want anymore specifics.I live right here in Puyallup and I had mentioned before that the Fair Grounds (which is where the Expo is held) is in my backyard! I can walk if I want to!! And we do when the actual fair is going on (so we don't have to pay for parking) But when other events are at the Fair Grounds the parking is free so I drive and save my feet for the Expo!!I will pray for Beautiful Sunshine the Expo Weekend so you and your girlfriend will have the best experience by seeing our Incredible mountain. MT Rainer!! On a Sunny day WOW you will be amazed..I never tire of seeing it!!Again let me know if you want anymore infoConnie

          4. fabricholic | | #17

            Hi Connie,I envy you. I just received a newsletter from Marcy Tilton and she is going to be there. Please post pictures of all your goodies. I am excited for you.Marcy

          5. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #18

            Thanks Marcy!I know I do have a great place when it comes to events!! I will take pics just for you!! Will that be ok to post them here on this forum they would still consider that sewing right?Do you have any requests for pictures? Let me know!! I am working on my first Handbag so I can take it to the show. Kinda like having a new outfit for Expo....So far so good. This is out of my comfort zone...don't know why but new things of course intimidate me and I think I am getting the hang of this. It is called a Mini Skirt Bag. I am using some fun and funky fabrics and It has Spring/Summer styling written all over it!! (Figure of Speech) I want it to look like it came out of a boutique. Again let me know about the picsDon't be envious just make the trip out here!! Just do this for you!!Connie

          6. fabricholic | | #19

            Hi Connie,Maybe someday I can plan that trip. Got a grand daughter depending on me when her mom is in school. About pics, if they can't be on this site, e-mail them to me through my profile. Marcy Tilton is going to be there. Maybe you could get a pic of the both of you and any of our Threads friends. Maybe a pic of the trims and fabric and Husqvarna Viking. I don't care, really. Just give me a feel of the place. Thank you so much. I hope your mini skirt bag turns out great.Marcy

          7. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #20

            What a wonderful Grandma!!I have to say my kids have incredible Grandmas as well! I am on the photos for ya!! And you said that Marcy Tilton will be at the Threads Booth? Correct me if I am wrong! And I will let you have some fun right along with me and of course I will email you directly. That is a great idea...I sometimes forget about that with this forum I can email people directly!!You will probably see a post of mine with some questions about my handbag. So I am hoping you can help me there too. I figure this thread isn't the place for asking you my question.So when I get sometime today hopefully I will get my post up with some much needed advice from all you wonderful ladies here !! I am enjoying this forum so much I have learned so much!! And excited to gleam from everyone's experiences the great and the not so great!!Chat soon

          8. fabricholic | | #21

            Hi Connie,She is going to be in booth 121. I don't know what booth that is, but that is what she said in her newsletter.Marcy

          9. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #22

            Great ThanksConnie

          10. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #23

            Hey Marcy,Just wanted to le you know that I got my tickets and I will be attending Marcy Tiltons $200 T-shirt Seminar!! They must have gotten a huge response and added more because that is what was written on my sheet when I recieved my tickets...So I will surely be thinkin of yaConnie

          11. fabricholic | | #24

            I think you will really enjoy it. I wish I had something to send you to get her autograph, you know like, from Marcy to Marcy. LOLMarcy

          12. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #25

            Too funny you had me smilin this morning.Well it isn't too late if you do think of it let me knowConnie

          13. Sancin | | #27

            Blondie - I was planning to go and stay with a cousin in Federal Way but a family crisis has occurred so no this year.  One question I had been going to ask is regarding walking.  I have some difficulty walking and wonder if there is anywhere near by that rents small scooters.  I see the expo itself has wheelchairs but I do not like using a wheelchair.  Thanks for all your info.

            Nancy from Prince George, BC


          14. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #28

            Hi Nancy,First I want to say I am not ignoring your request. I am so sorry about not returning your post in a timely fashion. I really try my best on that!! First I want to say I am sorry you won't be attending this year. Yes there is walking but maybe I am use to it but it really doesn't seem that bad. I think it depends on if you are staying close and you have to walk from your Hotel..The parking lot is not that daunting.To some maybe.Ok the Scooter thing I believe you may I would look up on line Puyallup Chamber of Commerce and see what info they might have. At the least you can email them or call and they can hopefully connect you in the right direction.. I am so all for scooters. I agree much easier. I am sorry I am not more of a help. Try there first. Off the top of my head I don't know..maybe one of our rental places (like for weddings and big equipment machine type stuff my husband goes to)might have them just a thought.Blondie

          15. Sancin | | #29

            Thanks, Blondie

            I had thought of contacting a business.  I even wondered about trying one out to buy.  But it is all moot at this time.  Thanks for responding.



          16. cafms | | #30

            We are getting packed up and ready to leave on Monday for the Expo.  I was wondering about what kind of clothing/coats we might need.  I've been checking the Weather Channel and it looks like we will need raincoats.  What else would you suggest.   What temperatures are you expecting? 

            Are there any fabric shops close by?  We heard there is one that has classes in the evenings after the show closes.  Do you know anything about that?  We have all day on Tuesday to do things also. 

             We are doing the Scrappy Bear's Path on Wed.  Anyone else registered for that?

            We are so looking forward to getting there. 

          17. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #31

            Right now I can tell you it is cold!! Rainy Yes!!We get all types of weather what we do here in the NW is Layer..A T-shirt, Long Sleeve T-shirt
            Then a sweater or sweatshirt
            Then a JacketSo really I would bring some warm stuff and also lighter weight items too like your shirts or blouses..We will not be in shorts. Long Pants, dress/skirts with tights still. Boats...Still winterly things..I hope this helps...I will be honest with you most of us around her in WA don't rely on our Weathermen....It always changes...As for the rumors you heard right...up the hill is Pacific Fabrics and they will be at the expo as well as having classes nightly tooAlso my sewing Dealer Quality Sew and Vac (is right next door to Pacific Fabrics) is having on March 1st our monthly Sew Fun...this is demo and show and tell..Of course I will be attending this as I do this monthly and it so happens to fall on Expo this year.I will try to see if I still have my flyer for Pacific Fabrics to see what they will be doing on a nightly basis for you..So more to come on that for youWe also have a JoAnn's near by, We have a Wonderful Quilt Shop in the Valley as wellIn Tacoma area there are others like Hanncock Fabrics and JoAnn's too. I am sure they have other Quilting shops but I am unaware of them.I am hoping this helps you...Connie

          18. cafms | | #34

            Thanks so much for the info.  We are warm here right now, though it has been cold, so it is hard to think of needing warm things.  I'm working on a fleece jacket to bring which I should have finished a while back when it was cold.

            Is the Sew Fun meeting open to visitors? 

          19. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #35

            Why of course it is! You can come as my guests if you like!Just show up our topic for this month isCreativity
            learn techniques, what tools you need, problems and how to avoid them.
            They will also be discussing embroidery and sewing on paper. From Cards to wall art to frames and candle wraps. so that is the little blurb they sent me for our March one!! I will check and make sure for you. But I know you will have fun and we will all enjoy some new fresh ideas from those who are out of state!!Let me know if you want to come and I will make sure you get there!!
            This starts at 6pm and runs like to 8pm or 8:30Oh Yeah I almost forgot about Pacific Fabrics I don't have exactly what they are doing I think I lost that sheet
            They will have free make'n takes, prizes, refreshments, and door prizes and more March 1-3 is from 7pm to 10pm and then on Sunday the 4th it is from 6pm to 8pm. I thought I would go to my sew fun on Thursday then when that was done pop into Pacific Fabrics...Connie

            Edited 2/24/2007 1:54 am ET by blondie2sew

        2. User avater
          blondie2sew | | #13

          See now that really makes me want to get my tickets!! I am still trying really hard not to go into fabric stores but I haven't had any success yet!!I however am not doing the all day Workshop. I really wish I could but this year It is not happening. I love to see all the new and exciting of course notions and gadgets!! Enjoy your Workshop!!!Connie

      2. love2sew | | #11

        Hi!  I will be coming from Portland Oregon,which is only about 2-3 hours south.  My sister lives in the Puyallup area-- so I just go make a weekend of it at her house and we have a girls weekend at the expo!  It is really so much easier for me than for people who have to fly in or drive for hours--I guess that's why I haven't missed it in years!  Several fabric stores in Portland also have buses that you ride up for the day and shop--Fabric Depot is one I think.  I know what you mean about staying away from fabric stores--online ones too!  I've been good lately but we all know that can only last so long!

  4. soandsew | | #26

    Hi!  couple years ago, two of my sewing girlfriends and I went to the Sewing Expo in Tacoma.  We spent two days there and I attended 6 of the demos and my friends also took in different demos so we could compare notes later.  What fun!  Be prepared to walk you feet off as it is very big.  Lots of vendors, bring money.  Also bring a sketch book to take down new ideas.  You'll love it.

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