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Conversational Threads

Experience with “Unique” Patterns

Allyson | Posted in Patterns on

Hello there … has anyone ever worked with “Unique Patterns?”  They send you a video on how to take your own measurements and then they custom make patterns for you.  I have no experience in pattern alteration so the idea of making a skirt or shirt that will fit me right from the pattern is very appealing.  Thoughts? 

Babe with Berninas


  1. Bernie1 | | #1

    I haven't been that impressed with the fit or the styles available. They are way behind in sending out those newsletters they say are part of the service and to be honest I'm sorry I invested in it.

    1. Sue2000 | | #4

      "I love the concept of Unique and "

      I think this says it all.  If they were having start up difficulties that would be one thing but the challenge of getting people patterns on time and patterns that fit and not blaming the customer for measurement errors or the story that they're hiring more drafters to keep up with demand is as old as Lucy reruns.  While you're right about a dissatisfied customer being more vocal, either the happy ones are so happy they're sewing up new wardrobes and not hanging around on the net or there simply aren't as many - more reports seem to be asking about/reporting difficulties. I've heard them tell people who took their own measurements that they were taken wrong. Now maybe the video will help allay this excuse, but they've even told people who were scanned with their own scanners whose patterns were off by many many inches and found their measurements to be way off that if they were off by 1/2" or more then they must have breathed during scanning.  :-O  These are not one time, one report events.  I'm guessing they make most of their money off the initial scan or now video sale, a new gimmick, because they never seemed incentivized to deliver a timely accurate product.  I know I sound extremely negative but I spent many hours with a good sewing friend who invested a lot of money in trying this system and finally gave up.  She got initial patterns after about 3 months, they were way off on some measurements, there were errors i.e. she ordered with lapel vs. without or something like that and they sent the wrong thing finally sent it right but without measurement corrections and with wrong instructions i.e. for lined vs. unlined jacket, then wouldn't respond to emails/calls for months... I'd say save your money and invest in fitting classes, patternmaking software or something else that's a surer bet until we start hearing some positive feedback.


  2. GinnaS | | #2

    There have been a number of discussions on SewingWorld.com about "Unique."  A few women have posted that they have been satisfied with their patterns but many have not.  Keep in mind though that a dissatisfied customer is more vocal than a satisfied one.  Per the postings Unique is taking months not weeks to get the patterns out and they have not fit.  They offer to redo them but even then it takes forever and frequently they still don't fit.  Some dissatisfied customers have gotten their money back but it has been a struggle for them to do so.

    I love the concept of Unique and wish they them well.  I joined years ago and got a pants pattern and a dress pattern.  Delivery was fairly prompt then.  I did not make them up before my figure changed but I did compare the pants to a custom drafted pants pattern and they were very close. 

    Good luck in whatevery you decide.


  3. donasews | | #3

      I was fitted with the "scan" but my (measurements) and patterns

    did not arrive for 5 months. and they did not fit well at all. I was very

    dissapointed. Probably will not ever go there again. I just don't have

    money to burn that way.

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