Hello, I have never bought any fabric over the internet. Could you please advise me where I can buy dark brown silk dupioni? I have tried all the shops in my area and in Spokane, Wa but no one has that color. I just need one yeard. Any help from any one is welcome. Thanks, Amapola
If time permits, consider browsing the following URL.
Check Thai Silks. http://www.thaisilks.com/product_info.php?cPath=1_13&products_id=284
I think this link will take you to the page with the dupioni on it and there are a lot of colors shown.
Someone else here suggested them and I have ordered a catalog from them but not ordered anything. They usually have an ad in Threads magazine.
Thank you all for the information. I shall look at all the websites. Really excited about doing this project for my granddaughter. Amapola
http://www.fabric .com--money back guarantee
Here's another one!<http://silkbaron.com/silk/color.aspx?collectionid=3&categoryid=25&colorid=145>
Mary Jo's cloth store is a great source for silks.
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