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Conversational Threads

Fabric identification

callysews | Posted in Fabric Guidance on

I am trying to work out what type of fabric this is (the darker fabric at the bottom with the raw edge). It has a stretch to it and is commonly called cheesecloth but the cheesecloth I have found does not have any stretch and is a looser weave. Any idea? thank you


  1. libtowngirl | | #1

    I'm not an expert, but it looks like boucle.

  2. Ravein | | #2

    Kinda looks like crinkle gauze, which does look like a tight weave cheesecloth, and the stiff crinkly wrinkles are what give it a little bit of stretch. If you wash or iron in flat, the stretch disappears.

  3. TraceyBlack | | #3

    To be honest it is very difficult to say what kind of fabric is in the photo

    1. Dannas | | #4

      Much like burlap or raw linen. To find out what kind of fabric it is, see the description of the composition and organoleptic characteristics of fabrics here https://beezzly.com/does-linen-shrink this article will also help you learn more about the properties of fabrics and avoid mistakes when choosing and use.

  4. user-6998382 | | #5

    I stopped shopping thru catalogs, some of the best catalogs (even very large sizes as i slowly lose my extra weight and lose my appetite cause of the pandemic) --went out business like "Newport news" vanished. AND the other clothing catalogs CHANGED drastically."Roehmanns" changed badly, everyone's quality went to H---. I know "Anthony Richard's" had a big clientele of older women and was "conservative."I LIKED IT.

    BUT everything changed and The CHINA SYNDROME of their imported clothing to us really died.I could no longer get a "s nightshirt"that didn't get big HOLES in it. WHO GETS BIG WARPED HOLES just cause it gets older? REGULAR DECENT fabric doesn't do that! I made flannel nightgowns that lasted for years.NO HOLES. But, yes, that machine washable night shirt gets BIG HOLES, I'm not buying them again. S---!

    SORRY for venting.I JUST got done trying to buy standard house items,and all their reviews said" JUNK DON'T BUY IT!"' Everyday items, all reviews kept saying"junk,its horrible!". Those reviews often are right. How can our everyday items we have to buy, become JUNK THAT falls apart! It makes you paranoid,"i s that broom going to break?". I have to make my own constructions of EVERY ITEM, cause imported items fall apart now?

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