Hi Everybody! Recently I was lucky enough to go through The Netherlands and Belgium and visit 2 fabric markets in those countries. It was fabulous! There were all sorts of fabrics – high end silks and wools, designer fabrics, cotton of every variety (one vendor had only cottons and every fabric was 2€ per meter) and everything in between. After investigating a little bit, I discovered there are a few websites out there that indicate where these travelling markets will be in the next few months and I thought I’d post them for anyone who may be able to take advantage of them:
http://www.stoffenbeurs.nl/ Click on Agenda for the date and city
http://www.stoffenspektakel.nl/ Click on Agenda for the date and city (they do not appear to have updated their website with any May dates as of yet)
http://www.stoffmarktholland.de/ Click on Termine for the date and city
None of these sites are in English but the cities and dates are easy to decipher.
Does anyone know of any other similar markets (and possibly the corresponding websites) throughout Europe?
Thank you!
Edited 5/6/2007 2:11 am ET by jatman
Edited 5/6/2007 3:01 am ET by jatman
Cool info! Thanks.
Thank you! Does anyone sell like that in the UK? Sue
Hi Suesew! I would be interested in knowing that, too. One of the markets I went to was not listed on any of the websites. It was part of a regular Friday Market in Maastricht, The Netherlands. They set up and break down every week for a one day market that sells flowers, meats, vegetables, clothes (ready to wear) and fabric. I wondered if any of the various weekly markets around London had any cloth markets in them - like any of the Camden Markets, Spitalfields, Brick Lane, etc?
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