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Conversational Threads

Fabric Samples

colleency | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

I like to make historical costumes. I need to buy some fabric as a base for an 1890’s skirt I am making. It was suggested that I use poplin. I’ve never seen poplin, so I was given a piece to feel. However, by the time I went shopping, I couldn’t remember quite what it felt like. The big fabric stores don’t seem to have a super-knowledgable staff and the downtown markets mostly carry polyester.

Does anyone know of a book that I can buy that has samples of various types of fabric? That way I could take the book with me when I go shopping.



  1. SisterT | | #1

    Try this link.  It is from an earlier discussion and it might give you a good start in finding places that send out swatches, which might be better than buying a book.  The topic of online shopping seems to pop up every now and then, so a search through the messages might be a good idea as well.  Some places send out swatches.


    Sr. Tracey

    1. colleency | | #2

      Thank you!

  2. Audball | | #3

    Hi Colleen!

    I'm not very fabric knowledgeable myself, and have run into the same problem with the staff at my local stores. Last night I drove across town to take a class, none of the other students showed so I got a private lesson. :) I asked the instructor to walk me all around the store pointing out the different fabrics. It was very helpful, but a lot of info all at once and my memory's not that good!

    I saw an ad for "fabric dictionaries" in the last Threads. Looks like a great resource, except they do cost money. Here's the link: http://www.raincitypublishing.com/

    Good luck! audrey

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