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fabric sources for cycling jersey

jenniferbabs | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

Hi. I need to find out where I can purchase fabric so that I can make my dh some more cycling jerseys. He has three, but is getting really picky about the fabric color. He does a bike commute almost every day so, He would like an assortment to choose from. I even am willing to make him bike shorts, and would like to find a pattern, fabrics and padding, so that He can have a replacement pair of his pearl izumi’s.

The bike shorts do not last so long with the commute. Thank you!


  1. Crafty_Manx | | #1

    Green Pepper Patterns (http://www.thegreenpepper.com/) has patterns for cycling jerseys and bike shorts that may be of use to you!

    Good luck with the project.


    1. jenniferbabs | | #7

      Thanks for your help! I was able to find the green pepper pattern at Joanne Fabrics.

  2. Brine | | #2

    I have made a number of cycling jerseys for my husband using no. 402 from Green Pepper. I bought fabric (Power Dry) for the first from Quest, and the rest from Malden Mills (which had great prices but limited selection of colors). Since DH rides a recumbent bicycle I altered the pattern and put the pockets on the sides rather than the back. I used a serger and it was really easy.

    1. jenniferbabs | | #8

      Thanks Brine. Who is quest? and how do I contact them? Please let me know so I can order some swatches from them and let my husband choose what he likes. I hope that it is pretty easy to sew on.

      1. Brine | | #14

        Jen, Quest sells outdoor fabrics and has a website: http://www.questoutfitters.com

        1. jenniferbabs | | #16

          Thanks for the updated info. Coincidently, I just started a subscription to another magazine and there was an ad for Questoutfitters. Iwas wondering if they were the one and the same.

  3. carolfresia | | #3

    You might also try Jalie patterns (http://www.jalie.com, I believe). They have multi-sized sports gear patterns.

    1. jenniferbabs | | #9

      Thank you Carolfresia. I do appreciate your help. They are really the only company that I have found so far that have a similar style bike short to pearl izumi.

  4. nmog | | #4

    There is a great store called Textile Outfitters in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.  They sell a huge assortment of outerwear fabrics, notions and patterns.  Their website address is http://www.justmakeit.com, and the staff is very knowledgeable.  I would highly recommend them for an outerwear project.  I bought fabric there for two swimsuits, and they have lasted very well.  A friend of mine buys fabric for her son's speedskating outfits there as well.  I hope this helps!


    1. FitnessNut | | #5

      I can heartily second Textile Outfitters as a great resource for fabrics, notions and patterns. I have been buying from them for....OMG its 15 years already!!! If you are ever in Calgary, a visit is a must. They have simply everything for any sort of active clothing. Their mail order service is quick and inexpensive if you can't shop in person. They will definitely have what you are looking for.

      1. jenniferbabs | | #11

        Thank you for the great info, Sandy. I will have to check out the website. This is souch a great resource!!!

    2. jenniferbabs | | #10

      Thanks very much,Nicole. Did you find the fabric relatively easy to sew? It will be the first time I have tried doing this. Jen

      1. nmog | | #13

        I serged the swimsuit fabric to make the suit and since the pattern was written with instructions for the serger, making the garment was a snap with my intermediate skill level.  Good luck with your project!


        1. jenniferbabs | | #15

          Thanks for your suggestion. Well I guess this is another great reason to purchase that serger I have been dreaming of.

  5. kayl | | #6

    Penny Schwyn keeps a nice list on her website at:

    http://www.specialtyoutdoors.com/tips.htm and I believe there's also

    a good list in Rochelle Harper's Sewing Outdoor Gear (Taunton's book).

    1. jenniferbabs | | #12

      Sounds like such another great site to check out. Thank you very much!!

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