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Feed Dogs issues

Zappa | Posted in General Discussion on

Hey everyone!!!!  I have an older Kenmore Model number 1752 ( not sure of the age )  and I was wondering if the feed dogs on this model help pull the material through like on the newer on we have to help it out alot???  if it should be able to pull the material through can I fix the problem ???? Z


  1. User avater
    CostumerVal | | #1

    I don't have a Kenmore, but I do have some old straight stitch machines that I drop and raise the feed dogs by loosening the screw that attaches them to the rod under the machine.  If you turn the handwheel you'll see the rod that the feed dogs are connected to.  It should be one screw on the left.  If it has come loose over the years your feed dogs may have dropped.  I'm not sure I've helped at all.


  2. starzoe | | #2

    In an older machine, if it has been used a lot, the feed dogs get worn down. They can be replaced if other methods don't solve your problem.

  3. damascusannie | | #3

    If you are sure your feeddogs are all the way up and you are still having problems check the presser foot pressure.Look in your manual and see if there's a way to adjust how hard the presser foot pushes against the fabric. And, yes the feeddogs should feed the fabric for you, but in order for them to work, they do have to push firmly against the presser foot. If none of this helps, I'm afraid that I agree that your feeddogs are worn out.Annie

  4. starzoe | | #4

    While reading the posting from damascusannie about your feed dogs, it occurred to me that perhaps your feed dogs can be dropped to allow for embroidery, sewing on buttons etc. and have not returned to their regular position.

    1. Zappa | | #5

      Well I decided to actually read the manual it came with.. After cleaning decades of lint and goo it seems to be working pretty well and now  the whole machine is lubed up.. The only thing I noticed that was different from the newer machine we have is that if I put any pressure on the material when it is going through with the old machine it stops feeding we as with the new machine it has alot of power and even with alot of pressure it still goes through.. THanks for everyones input.. Z

      1. damascusannie | | #6

        I'm wondering if it's time for a new motor. You can get replacement motors for old machines and they really aren't very expensive. The power in a sewing machine is all in the motor, so an old, worn-out motor may be your problem here.

        1. Zappa | | #8

          I do think I need a new belt for it. are they easy to pick up?

          1. damascusannie | | #9

            Try your local sewing machine shop or quilt store and see if they carry replacement belts. I get them at Walmart here, but I know that many Walmart fabric departments were closed down, so that may not be an option for you.

          2. Betakin | | #10

            Maybe the difference you notice between the newer machines and yours is because the newer Kenmores are made by Janome and they have 7 piece feed dogs that work together with what is called a Superior Feed System and they do feed extremely well on almost all fabrics, even better than some more expensive models by other brands.

      2. solosmocker | | #7

        Once in a while something like this happens to me and I eventually realize I have the machine in reverse. I push it thru and it doesn't grab the fabric and move it. Well, duh, its in reverse and pushing it right back at me. Hopefully this simple solution is all it is. solo

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