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Conversational Threads

Fitting a pattern onto a dress form

sharonquilts | Posted in Fitting on

Sometimes when I use by dress form to fit a top, it fits fine on the form, but not on me. I don’t have enough room to cross my arms in front.


  1. starzoe | | #1

    The dress forms have no leeway to lower the bust. I've tried padding the shoulders which is a pain and decided in the end to fit onto myself for that important measurement. Take your measurements, particularly as to bust height (from shouler) to see if this is your problem.

    Basically I only use the dress form for some draping and for taking photos. Although its measurements are quite close to mine, the vertical proportions are all wrong and beyond tinkering with the gauges, etc.

    1. sharonquilts | | #2

      Thank you. I hadn't thought of that measurement. I will try it.

  2. User avater
    artfulenterprises | | #3

    Hi Sharonquilts,
    If your garment is not giving you enough room to cross your arms, it means there is not enough width across the back. Have someone measure from the first vertebrae (you can feel that little bump at the base of the back neck) down the spine about 7". From there, measure across the back to the point where your arm forms a crease when down at your side. Compare that measurement to the same point on your pattern. You should add about 1/2" for ease to your back measurement and then make sure your pattern "measures up". You can also measure your dress form to determine the difference between you and your alter ego....then pad her out to keep her honest! Hope that helps.

    Edited 9/6/2008 12:11 pm by artfulenterprises

    1. sharonquilts | | #4

      Thank you, I'll give that a try. I appreciate your help.

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