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Conversational Threads

Fitting jacket front

lil1569 | Posted in Fitting on

Hi, I’m new to discussion boards.  I’ve made a lined jacket out of micro fibre that has no collar, just a slightly high neckline at the back and gently curved at the front.  It looked OK until I put the zipper in and now the neckline bows out, which looks ridiculous.  It was meticulously sewed and it would be a shame to discard it, but I cannot wear it looking like this.  I generally have problems fitting jackets, as I have a small bust, but fairly large chest and not much waist to talk about.  If anyone can help with this problem, I’d certainly appreciate it.  I’ve been sewing for many, many years but the fitting is getting harder as the figure deteriorates.  Thanks.


  1. jjgg | | #1

    Where does the neckline bow out? is it the weight of the zipper pulling it out? can you take it in at the shoulder seams?At this point what you need to do is see where you can take it in. If all you have are shoulder seams and center front seams you have to determine what to pinch out.If you made it up in muslin first, you may have seen this happening and been able to correct it before cutting into good fabric. If it is the weight of the zipper, can you use a lighter weight zipper? a different kind of closure?

    1. lil1569 | | #2

      The jacket lapel (so to speak) curls outward which may be a better way of describing it.  I have thought of changing the zipper, but I wanted a decorative type zipper and my choice was limited, so this is probably what I will do.  If I had made it up in a muslin, I would not have inserted a zipper anyway because before the zipper went in it fit quite nicely.  I so dislike remaking garments that I've been avoiding it.  Thank you for your response.

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