Hi Everyone!
Has anyone had any experience with the Just Ginger Boutique software? I ordered mine some time ago (it’s not cheap either) and when I queried the delivery date I got a message that they were closed for a week and orders will go out next week, although my order was placed before the closed week. That set me wondering about whether anyone has in fact received the software and now I also have second thoughts about whether the software is any good.
I would be very grateful to hear of any experience you’ve all had, good or bad, but naturally I’m hoping that it is all good!
I have not heard of "just ginger boutique." Do you mean "Pattern Master Boutique" from WildGinger? If not, who produces/sells "just ginger boutique"?
Hello Ginna,
I'm sorry, I did not have the details with me when I wrote the email and it is a while since I ordered, so I got the name wrong, but yes, I do mean Pattern Master Boutique by or from Wild Ginger.
Do you know it?
The folks at Wild Ginger were out of their offices for a week to go to SewExpo in Puyallup. If you have not received your order yet, please give them a call. They are very responsive.
Thanks Maduff
I am in The Netherlands so with the time difference it's a bit difficult to phone during office hours because I'm asleep then! But I have emailed them and it seems the package has got lost somewhere as I still have not received it. They are looking into it for me.
Ina, you're right, that time difference thing can be a pain. I used to deal with it when I lived in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska and in Hawaii and had to call the East coast of the US. Thank goodness for e-mail. and good luck. mary ann
I hope you have received your Pattern Master Boutique by now. I received mine for Christmas and spend weeks tweaking the slopers and measurements. I am finally at the point where I can print out a pattern and go ahead and sew it! Before PMB most of my sewing time was spent altering patterns! I found Wild Ginger to be great for responding to questions/problems either by phone or e-mail. They also have a chat board through Wild Ginger. I debated between driving 3 hours to one of the Body Scanner sites or PMB. Just the economics helped with the decision. (About $200 initially, but no more pattern purchases, plus I can measure and sew for others!)
Let us know how you are getting along!
Hi Rosann,
Yes, I finally received my Pattern master Boutique after a whole lot of hassle. The postal authorities in the Netherlands just could not find my address to deliver the package and eventually we discovered that they were mis-reading the street number and each time thay tried to deliver they arrived at an empty house!
The problem was finally solved in finding the package after a great effort put in by Karen, from Fitting Tips, and I am ever grateful to her for her help.
You won't believe it, but, in spite of being so keen to get this software, I have not even looked at it yet as we are scheduled to move the end of this month and I am in the middle of packing as well as my daughter's wedding on 6 May!!
I am waiting until I have a bit of an unbroken stretch of time to myself before I start on the programme, maybe I'll get lucky and find 2 hours somewhere.
What garments have you made using PMB? I want to make the lot! I am particularly interested in making jackets, from casual and jean-like to tailored and smart.
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