Last night I sewed up the last outfit for my grand-niece and got them out in the mail this afternoon, but like the parable of the loaves and fishes, there seems to be more fabric in the sewing room after the garments were finished than before they were started. Of course, there was that one trip to Beverly’s for material to finish the sleeves….
Funny you should post a "loaves and fishes" story just as I was about to post mine with the same title. A few weeks ago, I saw the Fajita Skirt by LJ designs ( and was smitten. The black skirt of my dreams! Even better, I found a heavy rayon/lycra jersey in the remnant basket, 2 1/4 yards, enough to make it! I drove the 250 miles home, laid out the fabric, and found only 1 7/8--I had misread the tag. Aaaugh! I trimmed the pattern seam allowances to 1/4" as I usually do, and gave it a try anyway. The 1/4" allowance gives a surprising amount of wiggle room, and I knew that since I had a 4-way stretch, I could cut a little off-grain. A miracle happened--there was just enough fabric! Lessons: !/4" seam allowances are usually the way to go (avoiding that homemade look), and you can mess with the grain line a little bit, depending on the fabric (stable wovens, not).
It's amazing what you can do with a little ingenuity. Sewing is so much more fun when you're focusing on what you want to accomplish rather than the rules you learned along the way.
Delightful read as well as a nod to your sewing talent.
Being able to "adjust" at the cut demonstrates your very positive sewing skiils.
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