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Conversational Threads

Fleece jacket

VKStitcher | Posted in Photo Gallery on

Here is the fleece jacket that I recently completed.  It’s the “Simple Swing Jacket” pattern from Indygo Junction.  Being fleece, it’s very warm, and it’s also comfortable to wear.  I used wooly nylon on my new serger to finish the edges.  It came out pretty good, but I need to practice “driving” straighter on the serger!

<!—-> <!—->Vickie <!—-><!—-><!—-> <!—->


  1. Crazy K | | #1

    Ohhhhh, I like that..........it is beautiful on you!! 

    1. User avater
      VKStitcher | | #3

      Thanks for the compliment!

  2. woodruff | | #2

    Very cute!

    1. User avater
      VKStitcher | | #4

      Thank you!

  3. SAAM | | #5

    What a beautiful color. Nice work! Isn't it wonderful to have a project finished?


    1. User avater
      VKStitcher | | #6

      Thank you, Sherry!  I don't have a lot of green in my wardrobe, so this is something different.  And it's one more project crossed off the "to do" list!  :-)

      1. SAAM | | #9

        Green was a color I never thought to wear until just recently. My daughter wears lots of green and she suggested that I try it. And actually, my mother always used to tell me I would look good in green, but I didn't believe her. It turns out I can wear many shades and look pretty good. I think more of us should try it and add some color to our wardrobes. I know I am guilty of wearing too much basic black. The green looks fabulous on you.Sherry

  4. MaryinColorado | | #7

    Your jacket looks great...and so do you!  Green is a good color for you.  Mary

    1. User avater
      VKStitcher | | #8

      Thanks for the compliments, Mary!

  5. rodezzy | | #10

    Very nice, I love the color.  That's my kind of coat, simple and stylish!  You look great in it too.

    1. User avater
      VKStitcher | | #11

      Thanks, Rodezzy!  I'm wearing it today--it's just the thing for a cool & drizzly gray day!

      1. rodezzy | | #12

        Yes, it is and it will brighten up you world with the lovely color and everyone else's world that see you wearing it today.

  6. solosmocker | | #13

    That's a great jacket and a very pretty flattering color. Very nice.


    1. User avater
      VKStitcher | | #14

      Thank you. Solo!  It doesn't have all the nice touches that your fleece jacket does (piping, etc), but it's comfortable to wear.  I hope you're feeling better today.

      1. solosmocker | | #15

        Thanks, the bug is all gone! solo

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