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Fleece question

solosmocker | Posted in General Discussion on

Has anyone ever fused interfacing to the back side of fleece? I have some very unique fleece that would make a wonderful bag but I like the body a heavy fusible provides in the bags I have made so far. I’ll try to post a pic of this fabric tomorrow as I have never seen any like it but I don’t really do fleece sewing. Its a Malden Mills product.


Edited 11/24/2007 10:09 pm ET by solosmocker


  1. meg | | #1

    I'm not sure that fleece fuses particularly well - the end result may end up too compacted by the time the glue adheres to the fleece (because of the pressure you'd have to exert to get a good fusing). Might you be able to incorporate some stitching/quilting of the fleece to the interfacing? That would hold the layers together but not mash down the thickness of the fleece. That all said, try fusing a scrap of fleece to some interfacing; you might just like the outcome very much!

    1. solosmocker | | #2

      I like that quilting idea. Thanks so much. I will definitely do an experiment. I always do with anything new that I am trying. I do think that I could use a sew-in but the reason I like the fusibles is because I cut the seam allowances off and this eliminates a lot of sewing of bulk. With the sew-in I will need to add a bit to catch in the seam allowance stitching and therefore increase the bulk I have to stitch thru. I will be cutting out two bags today and definitely will experiment and let you all know how it works. I will do a "quilt" experiment too. Thanks all. solo

      1. cafms | | #3

        Just a caution here.  Fleece does not tolerate heat well so you may end up with the imprint of your iron on the fleece.  I have embossed fleece, on purpose, using rubber stamps the same way you do velvet. 

        1. solosmocker | | #4

          Now that's a really interesting idea. I will certainly add that to my tool chest. solo

          1. Linda03052 | | #5

            Fleece doesn't fray, though, so you can cut off the seams anyway.  I often "applique" fleece onto fleece, and after I've sewn around my tracing, I just cut off everything outside the design--no turning under, or anything!

            Linda 03052

          2. cafms | | #6

            I made a Christmas tree skirt out of white fleece and stitched a large snowflake then scattered smaller ones around using the stamps.  The stamps were  actually cheap foam types from Wal-Mart.  The tree skirt has been washed a couple times and the embossed snowflakes didn't change.

          3. solosmocker | | #7

            Here is a pic of the fleece I have in mind. The face is tiny loops of yellow and black and looks like commercial carpet. The back, the fold, is more like fleece but quite thin. I love the loop texture and would like to use this in a bag as well as a jacket or coat. I bought quite a bit. So I would be fusing the napped side, if I do at all. At the store where I bought this they had a vest worked up in the fabric with black binding and trim. It was so sharp.

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