Hi Everyone
I have tried copying my daughters foldover skirts.You know- the knit skirts made with out a zipper with a section uptop that can be folded over. I put a thin elsatic in the seam between the body of the skirt and the top part. But the waste- the very top of it is too wide.
Does anyone have any suggestions for this?
I see they are showing these skirts this season a lot.
Thank you
Fold over skirt
Hi, do you have a picture of one, from the internet to illustrate?
Fpld over Skirts
If you look at Saks Fifth Avenue web site under womens apparel/skirts- Aiko Folover Skirt- Saks.com you can see a picture of one. There are several on that site.
When I looked closely at some ready made that we have, I see that both the top band and the skirt are made from the same stretchy knit. In the seam between the two there is a thin elastic. I copied this skirt but it ended up that the very top- the waste line- where one folds over is way too wide. The top band of the skirt I copied was simply a rectangle with one seam and then folded over.
I was hoping that someone has made these type of skirts and has some tips for me.'
Another problem I had : in the ready to wear garment, there was very little or no gathering between the body and top part. Not sure how that happens since the body is the width of the hips and the top is much narrower.
Thanks for any suggestions
Fold Over Skirts
Hi stillsuesew
I think you are right. I was thinking abou tthis durung the night and realized the top of these skirts is like mant work out pants with a strtchy top part that is folded over. Is there a pattern around for those? then i can just use the top and the skirt part will be easy.
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