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Conversational Threads

for the editor re sylish and threads

denise | Posted in Feedback on Threads on

Dear  Editor

I received my letter this morning regarding Sew Stylish, although i was very happy to receive Sew Stylish, as i have began sewing again after 20 years and it has been of some help.

I still subscribed to Threads.  I wondered whether you succommed to people complaining about threads I seem to remember this about a year or 18 months ago there seems to be sewers who want upmarket articles that are far beyond most of us.

There for a while a couple of issues of threads seemed to change format and  i was dissapointed.

But the last issue just this month was very good,  this is the standard i think that i can cope with, perhaps you could please others by adding some more detailed additions, but then as they say you cannot please all the people all the time.

I particularly like the pattern advisory service and how to make up various patterns and the hints from everyone and the wonderful pictures on how to do BASIC things that may not be basic to some readers.

So thankyou for extending my Threads sub and keep the TEACHING segments coming, also i have learned so much from your videos, sewing is so much easier now than when i was at school and i am 59.  Thankyou for your inspiration.

With cost of everything seeming to be going up we should all be teaching our daughters and granddaughters to once again sew not only for satisfaction but to save money and look stylish and unique,  making you own clothes saves so much i find that if i have a good pattern that  works for me i stick to it and people do not notice because the fabric is different for instance last week i made two blouses and on one grouped the buttons in sets of two instead of the same distance apart anything goes these days.

Denise Australia


  1. AmberE | | #1

    Thanks Denise---your input is greatly appreciated!

  2. denise | | #2

    Thank you for the great email on the newsletter today re your sister Magazine,

    The one on cutting silk,

    they are  a great help i save them and have learnt so much from them please keep these videos coming.


    1. AmberE | | #3

      just read this, been a little busy obviously! but thanks!

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