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Conversational Threads

Free motion quilting pic

damascusannie | Posted in Quilting and Home Decor on

Check this out. It’s the back side of a quilt I’m quilting for a friend. It’s the raffle quilt for next year’s “High Plains Rendezvous” a huge re-enactment event that’s going to be held near Fargo, ND in June 2009. The backing fabric is actually black sateen and the thread is also black, but it got over-exposed when the flash went off. I’ll take more shots as I get further along with it.

Annie in Wisconsin, USA
~~Doodlestein Designs Quilt Patterns
~~Finely Finished: Machine quilting worked on a treadle sewing machine.
See patterns, quilting, and National sewing machines at: http://community.webshots.com/user/damascusannie


  1. Gloriasews | | #1

    Thank heavens it is overexposed, as the stitching is clear & beautiful.  Most photos of black fabrics show no details at all, which is so frustrating - whether it's stitching or design details.  You obtained the perfect picture.


  2. katina | | #2

    Incredible! I battle just to do zigzag quilting across the most basic quilted items. You're so highly skilled at so many things. I must modestly confess to a great skill - procrastinating....


    1. damascusannie | | #3

      Procrastinating--I have a Ph.D. in Procrastination! Thanks for the compliment--I love free-motion quilting and have thousands of hours of it under my belt. This is going to be a lovely quilt when finished because I have lots of big areas to play in. I don't often get to do traditional patterns because of the time involved. It's much quicker to just do an overall pattern of some sort, but this is a special case, so I'm pulling out all the stops.

    2. User avater
      rodezzy2 | | #12

      You are too funny.  You are a wonderfully proficient person and all around great at whatever you endeavor.  NOW!!!

      1. katina | | #13

        Rodezzy, my love - these meds you mentioned....must be distorting your thinking.



        1. damascusannie | | #15

          Coming from you that's a HUGE compliment!

          1. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #23

            I don't know why!  I won't even attempt to quilt like that.  I've only quilted in grids.  I meandered only twice and it made my arms hurt.  I sent out the others to be quilted.  I love making tops, I have several already made (giggle).  You on the other hand are grrrrrrrrrrrrreat!

  3. MaryinColorado | | #4

    Absolutely gorgeous!!!  Your work is so precise and beautiful.  Can't wait to see the surprise when you're ready to share.   Mary

  4. User avater
    rodezzy2 | | #5

    very pretty and traditional.  Are you sewing free hand or are you using a stencil to first draw it on.  It's beautiful whatever you are doing. 

    Oops I guess I should have read the subject.....you are doing free motion quilting.  You are very good. 

    Edited 11/30/2008 6:23 pm ET by rodezzy2

    1. damascusannie | | #6

      It's free-motion, but the designs in this case are being drawn on. Usually I work freehand, without patterns but when the designs need to be perfectly symmetrical I have to use patterns.

      1. User avater
        rodezzy2 | | #7

        You are awesome.  I love the feather design.

  5. Josefly | | #8

    Another beautiful job. I squint just thinking about sewing black on black. The sunlight has to be coming straight in my window, (it does that from about 3:15 pm to about 4:00 pm these days) and all the lights on plus a lamp nearby, for me to sew on dark things.To find out about the Rendezvous, I googled, and came up with this site, which explains to others like me, what this is all about. Fascinating.http://www.hprr.org/what.htm

    Edited 12/1/2008 5:46 pm ET by Josefly

  6. Ceeayche | | #9

    Lovely!  I like the tone on tone effect.  You have such great precision in your work.  Got me to thinking about what I could do with a piece of charcoal grey I rescued from my mother's home! 

    1. damascusannie | | #10

      A couple more shots for you to see. I'm making good progress I think. The first picture shows the front, the second shows the back.

      1. User avater
        rodezzy2 | | #11

        Oh what perfection.  You are sooooo good.  Beautiful work.

      2. katina | | #14

        9273.15 in reply to 9273.11 

        Oh wow! Your work is beautiful, so precise.  It's cold here - I'm going to wrap up warmly, sit on the terrace and DEconstruct; I'm about to unravel a partly finished sweater that's staring accusingly at me.  Then I'm going to see what I can do with the yarn.  I'm feeling all virtuous too!  I mean, it's not as if I don't have waaaaaay too much brandnew yarn stashed about all over the place.  It's insulation, isn't it, yarn stashes are insulation.....

        Annie, I tried to post a pic of the knitting and created some major foul up. I panicked and deleted everything. So here's the message again, minus the pics. Cherrypops, where are you when I need you!



        1. damascusannie | | #16

          Send the picture to me and I'll post it for you. It's cold here, too--good quilting weather. I bogged down on the last Koigu mitten--all I have left is the thumb. And I have to get out Katie's socks and get back to work on them as well. Annie in Wisconsin, USA
          ~~Doodlestein Designs Quilt Patterns
          ~~Finely Finished: Machine quilting worked on a treadle sewing machine.
          See patterns, quilting, and National sewing machines at: http://community.webshots.com/user/damascusannie

          Edited 12/2/2008 9:00 am by damascusannie

          1. katina | | #17

            Thanks Annie!

          2. damascusannie | | #18

            Here's Katina's picture. I'll let her tell us about it--I want to know about that beautful yarn!

          3. katina | | #19

            Thank you very much, Annie.  The yarn is long discontinued - it's Jaeger Flamenco: Kid Mohair/New Wool. I'm going to make something else out of it. well, that's the hope!


          4. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #25

            You can make the other pieces out of another yarn with complimentary colors.  A sleeve, and back of one.  The back and out of another, they trim around the neck with one of them, and so on. 

          5. katina | | #26

            Yes!! Choosing yarns is part of the fun.


          6. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #24

            Great Katina, you have a great hand at knitting.  Your stitches are wonderfully even.

      3. User avater
        ThreadKoe | | #20

        Pretty, Pretty, Pretty.  Such lovely work Annie.  Do you ever sleep?  Just wondering.  Cathy

        1. katina | | #21

          I asked her that a while back, Cathy - she claims she does!

        2. damascusannie | | #22

          Of course! I'm blessed that I can stay home all day and that I have a great place to work so I don't have to put everything away when I'm done. So far I have about 20 hours in this one, with maybe another 10 to go. That's pretty much average for a quilt with this much quilting in it, plus the added time needed to trace the patterns on first.

          1. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #27

            I guess that when you also worked from home your business makes your family understand not to disturb you when you are working.  I never got mine to understand that I guess.  Cathy

          2. damascusannie | | #29

            My kids were pretty good, it was my husband that could be a problem, especially in the winter when he'd have days that he couldn't work (construction doesn't go well when the windchill is -20). He'd be in the house at loose ends and looking for someone to "play" with. Those were the days that I'd tell him to call a retired friend and go ice fishing!

          3. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #34

            Hmmmm, I have that problem with DH right now.  Crops in, no snow to plow.  He wants help to work on "His" projects....and I have to get mine done for Christmas!  Think I need to send him to the neighbours to play with their cows..... Cathy

          4. Ceeayche | | #35

            Giggle!  I love the image of sending DH to play with the neighbor's cows!

          5. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #36

            He misses milking so much, and the daily chores.  He gets restless.  He is not the woodworking type, so house repair frustrates him.  He really misses the animals.  We are boarding some heifers for our neighbour again this winter, and that helps for a few hours.  Right now, he is like a restless 6 yr old, bored and wants my attention, tee hee.  Cathy

          6. Ceeayche | | #37

            And it's a blessing to be wanted!

          7. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #38

            Oh, too true!  I think he is also missing "His little girls" a lot too!  Cathy

          8. MaryinColorado | | #39

            That's so refreshing to hear these days!  After all the years, he still wants your attention, what a blessing!  he he  You lucky gal!

      4. Gloriasews | | #28

        You have a reversible quilt going on - the back is prettier than the front!  Wonderful!  You are so skilled!  Thanks so much for the update.


        1. damascusannie | | #30

          Most of the quilts I make are almost as pretty on the back as the front. I like the solid colored backing fabrics because it showcases the quilting so well.

          1. Gloriasews | | #31

            Yes, it really does showcase the stitching.  The variegated threads are lovely, too.  Good job!


          2. damascusannie | | #32

            Too funny! No variegated thread on this one--that's just an optical illusion!

          3. Gloriasews | | #33

            So, you're skilled at optical illusions, too!  Your skills know no bounds, Annie!  On the other hand, maybe it's just my eyes that are playing tricks. :)


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