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Conversational Threads

Friend’s quilt winner at Houston

damascusannie | Posted in Quilting and Home Decor on

One of my best internet friends had a quilt accepted for the International Quilt Festival show in Houston and she found out yesterday that she won an “Honorable Mention”! If you aren’t familiar with the big shows, this is the second most prestigious show in the world–only the American Quilter’s Society Show in Paducah, KY is more important. Just getting a quilt juried into the show is a tremendous honor and to have it get an award is amazing! I just wish I could travel down to Houston to see it in person.

Annie in Wisconsin, USA
~~Doodlestein Designs Quilt Patterns
~~Finely Finished: Machine quilting worked on a treadle sewing machine.
See patterns, quilting, and National sewing machines at: http://community.webshots.com/user/damascusannie


  1. damascusannie | | #1

    Pat gave me permission to share a picture with you. The quilt is titled "Shoo, 'Fly" and is an original design. The designer maker is Pat Nordmark, Rockport, TX.

    1. User avater
      ThreadKoe | | #2

      Annie, please pass on my congrats to your friend Pat, and my compliments. What a beautiful use of perspective! The thought and planning that must have gone into it. Thank you also for showing this to us Annie. Cathy

      1. damascusannie | | #3

        She's pretty amazing isn't she? And such a great gal in person. We met through my favorite sewing machine collector's forum and in person at Treadle On Gatherings as well. When my daughter and I went to North Carolina in June, we roomed with Pat in our hostess's motor home and it really cemented our friendship. My daughter, Rachel, loves her, too. She's just the best.

        1. User avater
          ThreadKoe | | #4

          I am amazed by what many Quilt Artists accomplish. My maternal Grandmother quilted. I inherited 5 cut out quilt tops, but no instructions or idea of how they were intended to go together. I have only attempted one quilt myself, still unfinished. I like the piecework, but the actual quilting, not so much. I think I may try the free form machine quilting to finish mine. At this point, finishing it would be good. Kudos to all you talented Ladies! Cathy

          1. User avater
            JunkQueen | | #5

            I've never quilted in my life and have in my possession a bundle of cut out quilt pieces and several unquilted quilt tops inherited from my DH's favorite aunt. I keep wondering just what I'm going to do with them. Actually, I'm suing one of them as a smallish round table cover (lot's of fabric pubbling on the floor). I also have her White rotary sewing machine and various and sundry other goodies. My choice, when given one by the blood relatives, was a Hudson Bay blanket that I think I mentioned in another thread.

          2. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #11

            I figure I will someday have to figure out the pieced pieces of Grandmas stash, she would never forgive me otherwise. She is one of the wonderful women who taught me to sew. When I started my own quilt, I also started collecting cow material for my own next quilt. I have a box full of all sorts of prints with cows in them. I think I have enough for several now, tee hee, and have discovered that quilting is really not my thing. Oh well, I will do something else with them. Cathy

          3. sewelegant | | #20

            "Actually, I'm suing one of them "

            You probably didn't even realize you had this typo in your message.  I got such a kick out of it!!!  Gosh, if only we could sue some of our unfinished projects that really need to get done!

            Thanks for lightening my day.

          4. User avater
            JunkQueen | | #21

            That was one of my more printable typos. I've been known to put forth some really embarrassing ones. Glad you enjoyed it.........

          5. Gloriasews | | #22

            It was hilarious!  I loved Sewelegant's comment, too.  You ladies gave me my laugh of the day - thanks!


          6. MaryinColorado | | #26

            ha  ha  ha Thanks for the giggles!  Too funny! Mary

    2. User avater
      JunkQueen | | #6

      Annie, that is a marvelous quilt. It was fun figuring out exactly how she DID that. Naaa, na, na, na, naaaaaa! I'm going to get to see that quilt up close and personal since I'll be going to the Houston Festival come November.

      1. damascusannie | | #7

        I wish I could go, but we are going to be traveling to Texas in April and can't really budget in two big trips, especially since my husband and some of the kids were just hunting in Colorado a few weeks ago. Oh, well, maybe next year I'll plan things a bit better.

        1. User avater
          JunkQueen | | #8

          It's a delightful quilt, and it's a shame you'll miss seeing it in person. Sometimes life just gets in the way with our planning, doesn't it. April's generally nice in most parts of the state. Enjoy your trip.

          1. damascusannie | | #9

            We're going to be attending a wedding held at the "Scarborough Faire" Ren-Fest south of Dallas. We're very excited and have been planning our costumes like crazy. I can't wait!

          2. User avater
            JunkQueen | | #10

            Now that sounds like fun! The weather should be nice there in April. The humidity doesn't usually take over until about June. Will you be in costume, too?

          3. KharminJ | | #13

            Ooh!Ooh! A wedding at the RenFaire! How exciting! Please post pics or links of your garb plans!What kind of outfits? I'm curious because I play in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) and have friends who are involved in that Faire, too.

          4. damascusannie | | #14

            Have I been enjoying myself looking at dresses! I'm leaning toward a "jupon"--Flemish Renaissance, with definite connections to the earlier medieval styles that are my real favorites. I have a raspberry moire that would be pretty stunning and I'm thinking of adding some blackwork embroidery to dress it up a bit. While I seldom make modern clothing, I love making historical clothing and I've been looking for a good excuse to make a medieval/Renaissance dress for years.

          5. KharminJ | | #15

            OOOOOOH! That sounds truly yummy!

            I was noodling around last night and found this site:


            by a gentleman named Tempus Peregrinator - it has lots of interesting how-to's about various periods and styles of garb - I started out looking at the "sleeves" page and went from there.

            I've heard of the Jupon, but cannot call up a pic in my brain - off to the search engines, I guess.

            Have a great week!


          6. damascusannie | | #16

            Jupon: http://www.pearsonsrenaissanceshoppe.com/AvonJuponGown.htmlMine will be a bit more fancy, with either brocade or moire for the jupon, a figured cotton for the chemise and blackwork-style embroidery. I like the style of this dress because it's a multi-fit style that can be adjusted if my size changes a bit, plus it's a more rustic style, more in keeping with my middle-class background. I'm trying to research Norwegian costume from this period, and if I find something like, I'll probably go that route since my ethnic background is Norwegian.

    3. Josefly | | #12

      What a great quilt. Thank you for showing it. My long-time favorite colors, too.

    4. Gloriasews | | #19

      Wow, Annie!  Your friend should be very proud of herself - that quilt is, again, 'Wow!'.  IMHO, she should have received more than an 'Honourable Mention', but they are extremely picky at that show, so she did extremely well.  Good for her!  Pass on our congrats, please.  What an accomplishment!  Thanks so much for sharing this with us.


      Edited 10/7/2008 6:11 pm by Gloriasews

    5. rodezzy | | #23

      What a beautiful quilt.  I love the illusion created.  Congratulations to your friend.  Amazing work, just amazing!  Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. damascusannie | | #24

        Yep--Pat's quite a gal. One of my favorite people in the whole wide world, too. She's very special, she worked as psych nurse for many, many years and loved it so much that she still helps out in the hospital even though she's technically retired.

        1. Ceeayche | | #25

          And another WoW from the peanut gallery!  Very nice!

  2. sewingkmulkey | | #17

    Oooooh Annie.  I've attended nearly every single Houston Quilt Festival since it began and IMHO it is the very best quilt show hands down!!!  So a very big congratulation to your friend whose quilt garnered "honorable mention".  Can you please share her name (with permission) so I can look for her quilt when I attend this year (only 3 weeks away)?


    Karen (in Houston)

  3. sewingkmulkey | | #18

    Well I just read the second post and see the artist's name and photo of her fabulous quilt.  I'll enjoy seeing it in person!


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