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user-272347 | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

Hello all,

I am looking for a book or other instructional material to learn to make hand knotted fringe, similar to the kind that was used on antique shawls.  I’d appreciate your thoughts or suggestions. 



  1. sewhat | | #1

    I am not sure that this is the answer you are looking for, but I always make hand-knotted fringe on afghans when I knit.  I just use one to three strands of yarn, a bit more than twice the length of the desired fringe, then using a crochet hook, I go in from the back of the afghan and grab the doubled length of the strand(s) at the fold, forming a loop.  Then pull the tails underneath the edge and through the loop to form a knot.  Once I have all the strands attached, I then lay the afghan on a flat surface and trim the fringe to an even length.  Sometimes I make it more decorative by tying square knots with half of the yarn from each section I have pulled through to half of the next section.  I am sure you could use this same concept in making fringe on a less bulky scale.

    Hope this helps. 

    1. user-272347 | | #4

      Thank you very much for your reply.  I believe I understand your method.  Thanks again!

  2. rjf | | #2

    Books on weaving often deal with fringe and offer many ways to do it.  One I tried recently was to divide a lump of fringe in half, twist each half clockwise until it starts to curl.  Then twist the two halves counterclockwise and tie an overhand knot at the bottom.  It sounds weird but it works and gives a slightly bulkier fringe that won't shred.      rjf

    1. user-272347 | | #3

      Thank you very much for taking the time to respond.  Your instructions appear easy to follow.  I will also look at some weaving books.  Thanks again!

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