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Conversational Threads

Fun for quilters and sewers

LJCannon | Posted in Quilting and Home Decor on

Whats fun for quilters and is going on right now till the end of October, is a quilt hop.

You can shop, explore and make friends at quilt shops and more all across the USA and Canada, and you don’t have to leave home.  Go to    wwwfabshophop.com

I am just venturing into quilting, have dabbled in it off and on.  It takes more precision & patience, and can be healing and comforting. Its also nice to have a project to cuddle up with in the evenig, especially as we are heading into winter again.

Enjoy,   LJCannon


  1. sundragon | | #1

    I'm really new at this, too. I made a 'lap quilt' for my mom-in-law for Christmas 2000, the top was muslin (didn't realize it came in different thicknesses; mine was too thin), the bottom flannel, w/light-weight batting in between. I used "Picture This" and put 34 pix of people who love her on the muslin. Then made picture frames of bias tape around each pic! MITRED frames! LOl!! It's not easy fitting all those layers in that little opening in the sewing machine!! And then... the plug wouldn't stay in my machine, so I had to wrap electrical tape around the whole thing several times. And then... my pedal quit working about 3/4 of the way through the blanket binding! So, I finished the binding turning the hand crank wheelie thingy!

    It's not the prettiest quilt in creation, but it was worth every minute of it to see Mom cry on Christmas! LOL!!! Of course, she refuses to use it!

    That got me addicted, believe it or not. My husband took my old Singer in for a tune-up & whatever else it needed. You should have seen the face of everyone in the store when we went to pick it up... and I was so engrossed in looking at the gorgeous quilts & jackets hanging up all around the store that I didn't even notice my newly fixed sewing machine was neatly boxed up... OR that it had changed its name from Singer to Brother!!

    Needless to say I'm taking every class I can (hard when you work the night shift!) at my local Joann's. I'm already a fabric junky! Have no idea what I'm going to do with what I've got, but I pick up pieces just because I love the color or feel.

    I'm trying to learn to make clothes, too. And I need to find some good designs for a sewing room. Lucky me... my hubby's a cabinetmaker!!

    Huggles to all, and hope your holidays are fantastic. I just love this place!!!

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