I am interested in finding an easy way to gather approximately 20 yards of material (100% cotton fabric). Thanks
Edited 11/13/2002 2:16:31 PM ET by GLORIALEE
I am interested in finding an easy way to gather approximately 20 yards of material (100% cotton fabric). Thanks
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do you own or have access to a serger? it zooms through the job.
next best is a ruffler foot. expensive but worth it.
I do have a serger, but I will also check out the ruffle foot.
set the serger on differential feed and the longest stitch you have. use the two needlle four thread safety stitch.
runa test by measuring it flat and then running it through the serger and see how much has gathered, that will tell you what gathering ratio you have.
I do it alll the time with cottons and sheers and it works perfectly.
I do it so much I invested in a gathering foot for my serger so I can gather one layer and attach it to another flat layer all in one run.
What diff. feed setting to you use, and how do you adjust the tension? I know I was shown how to do this at one point, but I've had very little reason to gather anything much bigger than a toddler dress, so I've never used this method for real. And am I remembering correctly that you can tighten the gathers slightly by pulling the needle threads?
On my Elna the gathering diff feed is a positive number (2) and the diff feed that prevents puckering is the minus number. so one uses the positive number.
then I set the stitch length to 4 ( highest)
and then I set the needle tension one number tighter than the normal stitch.
sometimes you have a play around a little but once you get it set right, gathering is a breeze.
Thanks. That's helpful info. for anyone making yards and yards of ruffles!
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