hello…i am new to this site and i do have a question for anyone that could help me.
I would like to know how to repair a” hole” cigarette burn on a beautiful yellow sailing jacket that is made of polyester-cotton. If anyone has any suggestion could you pls e-mail me…I would be very thankful..
thanks so much in advance!
Welcome gaspe. Sorry abt the burn. Since you're new, I'll let you know that we like to post answers to the board so all of us can learn. That said, my suggestion is an applique of some sort. Depending on where the hole is, you could also apply a strip of decorative something and another on the opposing side, or decorate one side only. I once put a sequinned black heart over a hole in a black poly (looked like satin) bomber jacket sleeve. Could you cover it w/a pocket? Or a decorative zipper? I have no clue abt repairing tightly-woven fabric. Good luck!
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