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Conversational Threads

Golf Knickers

JeanE | Posted in General Discussion on

I am making a pair of golf knickers for my husband.

I could not find a pattern for golf knickers but found a Butterick pattern for Revolutionary costumes and tried to alter it for the knickers.  I did a fairly nice job altering this pattern, but did not get enough blousing(overhang) and the cuff still shows.

Can anyone offer suggestions on how to allow the proper amount of length and fullness to get the proper blouse effect.

Also can anyone suggest where I might find a patter for golf knickers(Plus Fours).




  1. JanF | | #1

    I had to tell u - this I find amusing - to me here in UK "knickers" are what we women wear as underwear!
    Hope ur making him - what to us would be - knickerbockers?

  2. From my Stash.... | | #2

    Hi.  If the general fit of the pattern worked for your husband, then here's what I would do and why:

    • the revolutionary pants were a slim silhouette and the golf plus-4's would need more of a straight leg cut (or maybe even add a bit of flare from just above the knee). 
    • Therefore, trace your existing pattern onto pattern paper or  tissue, and then widen the legs
      • to get the right amount of overhang, I would probably have my husband model a pair of his pants,
      • then take elastic and wrap it around the calf to see the overhang,
      • keep adjusting the amount of fabric overhanging (it is a combination of width of the leg and the length of the material "pushed up" that will give you the right look,
      • when I found the right overhang, I would measure the width of the pant leg (at the crotch line, the knee and then at the elastic), and how many inches of fabric below the knee was above the elastic,
      • then transfer these measurements to the paper pattern.  I would still make a mini-muslin of just the bottom part of the pant leg to see if the drape works in your proposed fabric.

    Hope this helps,

  3. mainestitcher | | #3

    At my former job, the boss asked me to make a pair of plus fours (out of regular trousers) for a customer taking a golf vacation in Scotland.  I think I used almost the entire length of the pant, with just a little cut off the bottom for a cuff. 

    Yes, I DO know the cuff should be cut on the lengthwise grain, but I was making these out of an existing trouser. 

     IIRC, "plus fours" refers to the fact that it extends down from the knee four inches, and of course has to go back up four inches to connect with the cuff.  This would mean the pant leg if hanging straight, would extend eight inches past the knee, (plus seam allowance), so I suspect my memory of cutting a few inches off the bottom to make the cuff and leaving the rest to blouse is probably correct. 

    1. JeanE | | #4

      I greatly appreciate the help on the knickers-pus fours.  Now as soon as I cqn get him anchored enough to try on a pair of reg. pants, I will get started on them.  In the meantime I will continue wil my quilts and baby clothes and what alterations I can get.  Again thank you.


      JeanE stitcher


    2. JeanE | | #5

      Jean again, I wonder if anyone has a source for men's paterns.  Perhaps a different brand then we usually think of. 

      JeanE stitcher

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