Looks like you were right.
J. D. Reynolds
Home Improvements
Looks like you were right.
J. D. Reynolds
Home Improvements
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Sew?.........................what now? ;)
I dunno.
Ya think there's any hot, old chicks that hang out here?
Edited 1/25/2008 2:20 pm ET by JDRHI
Old? I didn't say that. What you mean kimosabe?
It's awfully quiet, though....................... let me get my palm nailer out. Wait, I hear some rustling. Russel, cut that out.
Ooooooo, what's this?
If I said, young, I'd be a dirty old man.
This is a lot quieter than the pantry raid. Sewing machines aren't too noisy, eh? I wonder if anyone here makes BLUE SPEEDOs?
Maybe we could start a line of construction kilts with matching toolbelts ?
I wonder if they have something like the Tavern here?
Would you call it Rags?
I have an idea for a bridal line. These are some neighbors down the road that tried'em out for the camera. Whaddaya' think? ;0)
Edited 1/25/2008 4:47 pm by oldbeachbum
You could call it the 'Tornado Magnet' line.I'm surprised the bridal magazines aren't all over this....
I like that name.
I believe it's all in the accessories. Notice the always fashionable basic black. (flip flops). Very nice and I think I detect a tint of raspberry on the toenails. To match the blossom in her headpiece.
The pooch is, in my opinion the best attired, or he could probably chew a tire. Your choice.
The mullet! What can one say. It is a bit passe', as is the cigarette.
He could use a little sparkley, though, to fill in the gap. The tartan is a bright spot. We tried for a kilt, however, he would have nothing of it.
It's a work in progress.
You know, he seems to be missing the requisite naked lady tattoo (the old school, Sailor Jerry style) with his lady's name on it on his arm.And the doggie needs a 'bad-boy' studded collar. Maybe with the rings chained to it.Otherwise, I think they are good to go. Ya wanna be tasteful on your big day.Now, the preacher, he is another matter (I assume they are having a preacher? None of this new-wave, say-your-own-vows stuff).
Oh, no. There'll be a minister. They were lucky enough to get the Right Reverend Dooby. He was between appearances and fund raisers, er , I mean services.
Perfect!! I just love a good wedding! ;-)
We're also looking at a new line of "thangs".
The trouble is finding a material that accomodates all body styles.
Trying to keep costs down, and all. Our research is showing that we are almost there. We'd like to be able to streamline the assembly process by only having one size waistband.
As I say, we are almost there. ;0)
Well, I have to say, as someone who has been messing around with fabrics for a long time, I've never really seen the concept of 'one size fits all' come so very close to reality! Do you happen to work for the aerospace industry? Obviously there is a cross-over industrial application going on here (in more ways than one).
No, but the DW is retired from Boeing and I've worked for a couple of airlines. Just a little after the time that Frank & Wilbur were also working with fabric.
Well, I have to say that this thread was the most fun I have had all week, thank you. And if you have design quesions on your construction fashion lines, I'm available for consultation. ;-)By the way, did you have a sewing quesion that you came over to ask?
No particular question. The guys & gals at BT noticed that we had reached 100K threads and wondered where they would go.
So I thought...........................(insert rimshot here)
....anyway, we learn a lot from each other over there but we kind of get silly now and then.
I'll be back over here sometime later this spring. I'm working on our guest studio apartment and a new workshop now but will be back to look for info on working with ripstop nylon, etc. I like and have several kites and would like to make a few. They can be very spendy. I've used the DW's sewing machine a lot in the past. Tool covers, curtains for a van, kids winter coats, carry- alls for camping gear. That was years ago, though. But a machine is a machine. argh! argh! argh! Always fun.
We've already had a pantry raid, maybe it's time to go diggin' under the fence and see what's going on. ;)
Edited 1/26/2008 2:38 pm by oldbeachbum
I don't know how far you are from Seattle Fabrics, but I know they carry ripstop in many colors. Ripstop isn't hard to work with, you just need to sear the edges of the cut fabric, or use a heat-cutting tool when you cut it out. It ravels like mad.Come back and visit anytime.
""heat-cutting tool""
...almost 4 hours from Seattle...have to fit it in with a visit to one of the kids
A new tool? All righty then. One can NEVER have too many tools. There are even some things I could use her Kitchenaid mixer for........better not go there, huh?
Thanks for those tips, and your patience with us.
buh -bye! ;0)bum
Edited 1/26/2008 9:21 pm by oldbeachbum
I like the way you think more tools
I hate to say this - your kilt with a matching tool belt is such a great idea that someone has already done it. Stick "Utilikilts" in your web search and you will find that they are a very popular item around the world.
Aye, Lassy.
But, are they truly kilts? I see no clan tartan, there. What we need is tartan plaid DENIM. Now that would be construction kilts. Maybe we can get Carrhart to help.
Yes, we are here. We don't like being old, though, and we're mighty touchy about it, so watch your language!! God bless you Galey
I warned ya' dude.
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