Great app if you sit and sew all day

I discovered this great little app that’s a widget – it is on your desktop and it notifies you to take a break and do a specific stretch (a different one each time). The stretch and instructions are shown and you’re able to set how often you want to be notified. It’s perfect if your computer and sewing machine are close by.
I love it because I get so into whatever I am doing that I forget to move around for hours.
My two favorite things in life are libraries and bicycles. They both move people forward without wasting anything. The perfect day: Riding a bike to the library. —Peter Golkin
What a great idea! When my children were younger, they performed that function so well that I rarely made progress on any kind of seated project.
LOL - yes, this is for those who aren't chasing after children!
It does sound great. However, due to some medications I take as well as dry climate, thirst drives me to get up and move ;-0.Has anyone tried this? Does downloading the program do anything nasty to one's computer. I am always a little leary of things from Yahoo.
I downloaded it - it's completely safe. Interestingly it also tells you to when drink water - it calculates how much by your body weight.
I remember when I did that. I lived in a small town in Michigan and rode my bike everywhere. And yes, to the library.
My sewing room is set up so I am forced to get up to go iron something, but the days of sewing all day is gone for me. Even with little exercises my feet would swell up something awful, but I'm trying to take advantage of things I never had before we moved to this house. Our bedroom is next to the sewing room, so if I have some hand stuff to do (like unsewing) I can sit in the recliner in the bed room and see what is going on in the sewing room, esp. if the embroidery machine is running. Even those little bits of getting my feet up help. Or even just needing to read instructions over again, it is a help to sit in the recliner.
I also am very dry from my meds so drink a lot of water and get all those other breaks that are involved with that. :)
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